Page 23 of Still His
I frown at the milk as I try to assess the best way to go about it.
Moving around on my knees a little, I test different angles before choosing to lean forward on my forearms and lower myself to the floor in a low plank-type move with my knees on the ground and my feet in the air, crossed at the ankles.
When I tell you I am not the most fit person, I’m not exaggerating. Within three licks, everything in my body burns as I try to hold the position.
I like the feeling of the small amounts of milk trickling down my throat, but I definitely need to find a more comfortable position for thick girls so it doesn’t feel like physical torture when I get down on the floor like this.
Sitting back up, I whine because my thighs and abs are freaking burning, and I’m feeling super freaking winded after that.
“You okay, kitten?” I shake my head and tap on his knee twice. The signal we decided on for me to ask to come out of kitty space and back into normal submissive. He nods and I sigh, holding my hands up asking for his help to stand, my legs wobbling on the heels.
“Ooof,” I say and Dad looks at me while holding me, a hand on each side of my waist.
“Everything okay?” I nod and yawn.
“Yeah, but that killed my thighs. I need to try something different next time. Maybe laying on my stomach.”
He smiles and nods. “We can do that. You seem like you could take a nap though.”
I sigh. “Any chance we could sit on the couch and watch a movie? I want to be close to you right now.” He smirks and I narrow my eyes. “Oh, no. I’m not saying touch you. Don’t you dare think you’re winning that easily, mister.” I point at him. “I just want to know you’re in the same room with me. I missed you, Dad.”
His face softens as he pulls me into a hug, kissing the top of my head.
“I missed you too, kitty cat.” I’ve always loved his nickname for me.
I know this relationship is going to get a lot of negativity when we become public, but I really don’t care. Who cares if Simon raised me? He’s not my actual father and I think him knowing me so well is something that makes us click so perfectly.
I hate that people are going to attack him and accuse him of being sick and disgusting.
“Can we move?” I whisper, and he pulls back, looking into my eyes.
“You want to leave Vancouver?” he questions and I shrug.
“I want to go somewhere so we can just be us and in love without judgement. Dad, they’re going to be so mean to you!” I cry and he pulls me into his arms again, running his hands up and down my back while he calms me.
“Shh, it’s okay, Cat. I know some people aren’t going to be happy with our relationship, but I don’t care. Do you?”
I shake my head hard. “Never. I just want us to live our life together in happiness.” I sniff and he nods against my head.
“I understand, baby. But I think we will be okay. I think our closest friends will support us. We don’t really have any family aside from each other so really, everyone else can fuck off. You love it here, Cat.” I do love it here. It’s been my home my entire life, minus the three years in Edmonton. I’m just not sure this is where I’m meant to be anymore.
“Okay, Daddy. I trust you.” I smile at him, and his eyes shine with unshed tears as he smiles down at me.
“I’m so glad, baby.” He steps away, holding my hand and pulling me back towards the living room. “Let’s pick a movie and cuddle on the couch.” I go to protest, and he holds up his hands. “I need to hold you right now,” he admits and my resolve crumbles.
“Cease fire?” I give him a sly smile and he chuckles.
“Cease fire. For now.”
What the hell does he mean, for now?!
When I go to ask him, he gives me a hard look that says ‘Don’t question me, kitty cat.’ Another look I know well, and I know better than to go against it.
Brat or not.
I decide to sit on the couch and take my heels off before grabbing a blanket to throw over my legs. Dad puts a movie on and grabs the remote before coming to snuggle me. I don’t even care what movie he chose because I know I will be asleep within the first fifteen minutes with how tired I’m feeling.