Page 30 of Still His
“I’m sorry. You WHAT?!” Darcy whisper yells at me across the table at the café we met up at.
I haven’t seen her since I came back a week ago, too caught up in my love bubble with Dad to bother leaving the house, but he said he had something really important to take care of at the office today.
I just told her about the first blowjob I gave him and she’s losing her ever loving mind over it. She knows I’ve always had a thing for him, but neither of us ever expected it to be reciprocated.
“You heard me.” I shrug and smirk behind my cup of coffee and she narrows her eyes at me.
“Bitch, you’ve been ditching our plans all week to get freaky deaky with your Dad!” she whispers, and I groan. “You can’t just leave your best friend hanging!”
“Okay, first off, rude.” She rolls her eyes at me. I fucking love this woman. She’s my ride or die throughout life and I’m never getting rid of her. “Secondly, we do more than just fun things.”
“Okay, but like…is he a good lay? Because I need to live vicariously through you.”
Fucking help me.
“He makes me cum like it’s his job to make sure I have the best orgasms in the world.” She groans and flops back in her chair. “But we haven’t had sex yet.”
She blinks at me, not moving for what feels like an eternity before sitting up straighter.
“So, technically you’re still a virgin?”
I sigh and set my coffee down and nod. “Yep.”
She cackles hysterically and draws attention from the other customers.
She sucks in a breath as she tries to lower her voice so only I can hear her. “You…are the only non-hymened virgin I know.”
I snort and cross my arms over my chest. “Thanks.”
She shrugs and chuckles, picking up her coffee before taking a long sip.
“Just telling it like it is, babe.” She winks at me in an obscene way that has me shaking my head with laughter.
“I missed you so damn much.” I smile at her. “I wish you’d move to Edmonton with me.” Once the words are out of my mouth, I feel my heart seizing in my chest.
Was I going to move back home? Vancouver didn’t really feel like my home anymore.
Sure, it was my hometown, but Edmonton is where I discovered who I am. It’s where I became the best version of myself.
Could I really move back to Vancouver? Would Dad want me to?
I know we’ve been having this amazing week and he’s claimed me as his and I’ve willingly chosen to give everything of myself over to him…but what kind of a life could we have here together when everyone knows he raised me?
“So, you’re still going back?” Darcy asks me, her voice low and confused. I know the feeling.
“I, uh…I don’t know, actually.”
She looks at me with a raised eyebrow, her face clouded with confusion. Usually, I’m so solid in my plans and thoughts, but right now I feel lost.
Truth be told, I don’t like it.
“You always know, Catty.”
I nod, swallowing down a large gulp of my coffee as I try to form my scattered thoughts into words.