Page 33 of Help Me Remember
“Someone’s feeling bossy today,” I grumbled.
I rolled my eyes. “Fine, thank you for being stubborn and stupid enough to try your hardest to believe I’m not a terrible person.”
“I guess that’s the best I’m going to get, isn’t it?”
“A good compromise leaves everyone mad.”
“And it’s pointless to ask where you heard that cheery phrase,” Eric said with a roll of his eyes. He pushed himself up. “So that still leaves—”
A sharp knock turned our heads toward the doorway, and Eric frowned. “Who in the…stay here.”
“Eric,” I hissed softly, standing up.
He turned at the entrance to the hallway and gestured for me to back up. “I’m not making the same mistake twice. But unless I’m in danger, I need you to roll with whatever I say, alright?”
“Now you’re suddenly in control and capable?” I asked in disbelief.
“Right, because this is my first time dealing with trouble around here,” he said with a roll of his eyes and another jab of his finger.
I grumbled but backed up, staying out of sight. I didn’t hear the door unlock but still heard him call out, “Can I help you?”
A rough voice on the other side barked out. “Is he here?”
“What did you say?” Eric asked in confusion, which I didn’t think was warranted. The stranger had a thick voice, but I understood him perfectly despite being further away.
“I said,” the man called, his voice growing clearer, “is he here?”
“Who?” Eric asked, and I had to admit his confusion sounded genuine.
“Riley. We know he’s here.”
“Yeah, well, that was true last night. I don’t keep people around who bring trouble into my house, not even old friends.”
I winced at the admission and wished I was closer so I could try to stop Eric talking. He was a believable actor but a little too earnest for his own good.
“Where’d he go?” the man asked after a pause.
“What?” Eric asked again.
“I said, where did he go?”
“I didn’t ask where he was going. I told him to get out, so he got out.”
Quietly, I snuck forward. I could tell the pauses between the man’s statements were because he was talking to someone else. Eric almost jumped out of his skin when he saw me standing behind him, giving me a dirty look even as I shushed him.
“He was your friend, and you didn’t ask where he was going?” the man asked doubtfully.
“Friends don’t bring that kind of trouble to other friends.”
“What kind of trouble?”
“If you’re here looking for him, you know. The thing is, I didn’t want to know what he was doing. That just means more trouble for me. So he’s gone, and I don’t know where.”
The man chuckled. “You are a smart man. Maybe you let Gabe know if you see Riley again?”
“If it means I stop getting visits like this, sure,” Eric said roughly.