Page 8 of A Beautiful Surrender
When she came back out, her mom was no longer in the kitchen. She must’ve left for work as well. Ali let the door slam shut behind her and made her way to the edge of town as quickly as she could. Eli was probably already waiting for her.
As much as she hated to admit, their conversation that morning had gotten her head spinning.
What would I want out of life if I could have anything? Do I even want to be married or have kids? Is it possible to love someone more than I love Eli? Do I want to check fish traps for the rest of my life?
She couldn’t even picture a life different from this one. It was all she’d ever known. She had done a terrible job of shaping her own life. She let life happen to her.
But we don’t really know what’s past our small world. What else could be out there?
Eli stood by the old rusted ‘Andus’ sign on the edge of town, waiting for Ali. She was running late. He had a feeling her mom had given her a hard time for not coming home last night, but it was nothing compared to the earful he’d received from his father.
“Just do it already,” he’d yelled. As if it were that easy. Eli wanted nothing more than to be with Ali for the rest of their lives, but he sensed her hesitation. If he pushed her, would it ruin their friendship?
And then there was her mom. As much as his dad wanted them to be together, it seemed Anna was the total opposite. Most days, he felt resentment radiating from her. The days Ali chose his bed over her own only ignited her disdain.
Doesn’t she realize Ali is all grown up now and can make her own decisions? She’s not a child breaking her curfew.
It was a bit extreme and uncalled for, in his opinion.
He scanned his surroundings again, hoping to see Ali, but she was still nowhere to be found.
Come on, Ali.
He tended to get impatient when it came to work. He’d rather get it all out of the way and have some free time, but Ali usually preferred to take things slowly. She’d once told him if they had to work, they might as well make the most of it. She always chose the long way around. Stopping to smell the roses.
In the summer, he was completely okay with it. Her idea of taking their time was to skinny dip in the lake. She’d strip down to nothing and run into the water. “Just to cool down,” she’d say. He would always be okay with taking that break from work.
This morning was significantly cooler, so he hoped she wouldn’t feel like lingering today. He would much rather be back in a warm bed with her, running his hands over her soft skin.
Nope. Don’t go there, Eli.
The last thing he needed right now was to get wound up. He couldn’t spend all day distracted thinking about her thighs around his waist or his hands cupping her breasts. It would drive him mad.
He spotted Ali in the distance and watched her pick up the pace when she noticed him.
“Sorry. Have you been waiting long?” She was a little out of breath as she jogged the last few steps.
“Not at all.”
“You’re lying, aren’t you?”
He grinned at her accusation.
“It doesn’t matter. Let’s just get going.”
They set off in the direction of the lake. She was unusually quiet today. Eli could sense something was up but he didn’t like to pry. Ali always came to him when she was ready to talk. Whatever it was, he was sure she’d share eventually. If she wasn’t ready to talk about it, then he’d distract her in the meantime.
“Do you think aliens are real?”
She stopped in her tracks and her eyes widened. “What?”
“Do you think aliens are real? Like, do you think there’s life in outer space? Is there another planet out there where we could live that’s better than this one?”
She looked at him like he’d grown two heads. Then, she opened her mouth slowly and spoke with uncertainty. “I guess? It’s possible.”
“Cayden was telling us a story yesterday. Apparently he heard from his dad that they used to have transportation to space, Ali. To space! How would they even get up there? Anyway, he said that scientists back then were trying to figure out a way to live up there before everything went to shit here. Guess they should’ve tried harder.”
She shook her head at him, but a smile crept across her face. His mission to distract her had been successful.