Page 37 of Profit & Lace
Derek and Carter look at me with wide, hungry eyes, and I can’t help but chuckle as I feel their cocks pulse against my fingers.
“You can put my cock anywhere you want,” Derek offers me with that sly grin of his, raising one hand and resting it on the nape of my neck. Moving his fingers up, he tangles them in my hair and yanks hard, forcing me to throw my head back. My knees buckle as he does it and, the next thing I know, I’m kneeling down on the floor.
“I guess this answers it, then,” I chuckle, looking up at their cocks and trying to decide which one I want inside my mouth first. Ah, decisions! Sometimes they’re hell.
Letting go of their cocks, I spread my fingers wide and cup their balls, feeling their weight against the palm of my hand. Allowing instinct to make the decision for me, I lean in toward Carter and tilt my head sideways, parting my lips with the tip of my tongue. My eyelids droop as my tongue touches Carter’s shaft and, smiling as I do it, I run it up and down his whole length.
Without opening my eyes, I then switch to Derek, allowing the taste and scent of both men to blend on my tongue into a powerful aphrodisiac. God, I’m on the verge of losing control, and it feels so fucking good.
My tongue goes down Derek’s cock fast in a straight line, and I only stop when I feel the weight of his balls on it. Opening my mouth wide, I wrap my lips around one of Derek’s balls and suck it into my mouth; at the same time, I curl my fingers around Carter’s cock and start flicking my wrist, stroking his member at a growing pace.
I then allow Derek’s ball to pop out of my mouth and, wasting no time, I let my tongue hike up his shaft. The moment I rest it on the tip of his cock and taste his salty pre-cum, I open my mouth as wide as I can and allow my lips to close in around its head.
Moving as slowly as I can, I roll my lips down the length of his shaft, only stopping when I feel the tip of his cock pressed against the back of my throat. Holding my position there, I open my eyes and look up at Derek just for the amount of time it takes for me to enjoy the expression of pure pleasure that has taken over his face.
“Fuck … your mouth … it feels so fucking good,” he groans as I move my head back, my lips once more finding their way to the tip of his cock. There, I use my tongue to lap at it over and over again. I keep on stroking Carter as I suck on Derek and, the moment I feel that my hand has grown into a comfortable rhythm, I mimic that rhythm with my head and mouth.
Bobbing my head back and forth, I suck Derek like a madwoman, the wet sound of his shaft sliding over my lips enough to make me feel lightheaded. I let my rhythm grow a life of its own and, before I know it, the muscles in my neck and shoulders start burning up as I move furiously.
When the urge for a deep breath becomes too overwhelming, I just pop Derek’s cock out of my mouth and let the air rush into my lungs. Then, turning my attention toward Carter, I don’t hesitate: I stop stroking him and, at the same time, I dive into him with an open mouth. His cock slides over my tongue in a heartbeat, his twelve inches burying themselves inside my mouth so easily I’m even surprised.
Now stroking Derek while I suck on Carter, I let instinct take the steering wheel and I keep moving in a flowing motion, punishing both men’s cocks with everything I have.
“Let’s try something different,” I tell them as I come up for air once more, my jaw already aching from the effort. Still, I’m not done with what I’m doing. Looking up at them with what I hope to be an air of mischievousness, I angle their cocks so that they’re pointing at each other, their tips almost touching, and I run my tongue over both of their heads at the same time.
Succumbing to the way I work on them, they move slightly forward and their cocks touch. I half-expected them to jerk back but, instead, they simply hold their position. Not one to let an opportunity like this go to waste, I grab both of their cocks and angle them toward me; opening my mouth as wide as I can, I place both tips of their cocks inside my mouth, my tongue frantically tracing their contour as I lap at them.