Page 66 of Profit & Lace
Did I mention her face is very, very, white.
That’s because she didn’t expect me to be here today. She has no idea what I’m going to do now and it terrifies her because she had all this worked out.
“You had all this worked out, didn’t you, Wanda?” I ask, deciding to let the whole crowd hear the things I’m telling you right now. “This was going exactly how you wanted it to, wasn’t it?”
“Derek … you’re not supposed to be here. You need to leave … now,” Wanda manages to say, controlling herself.
I give her a smile.
“Or what?” I ask her. “You’ll destroy me?”
There’s some hushed murmurings from the crowd but I don’t give a fuck. In fact, I turn to them and smirk.
“A while back, I was enjoying an intern in my office,” I say, as I walk to the podium. I can see Carter sigh as I start my story. Why am I not fucking surprised. I love the guy. Let’s be clear about that. And it’s important to note I don’t like having sex with guys. I fucking love women. But Carter…is different. Something about him drives me fucking crazy. But I can’t seem to understand why I can’t stop wanting to be near him. Fuck.
Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah.
“Her name was Mandy, or Mindy, or something I don’t remember. And I was fucking her in my office. But I didn’t realize that she was working for my ex-wife,” I say to the consternation of the reporters and photographers. I see the television news cameras come on. This shit is now good enough for prime time. I can see it now. ‘Wall Street Elite Scuffle In Public Over Inheritance Fortune’ they’ll say over at Good Day USA. Then they’ll scoff at how fucking stupid these silly rich people are and what the fuck are they fighting about. These aren’t even first world problems.
What they won’t understand is if we let Wanda get ahold of Eliza’s father’s money then the good that it was marked for—the charities and the foundations and the hospitals that the money would have been distributed to as part of the estate management would all be gone. Poof. Disappeared. Wanda would be taking everything and using it on herself.
“I think you need to stop before you say something you regret, Derek,” Wanda says through clenched teeth but still loud enough that I’m able to hear her.
“Or what, Wanda?” I ask, and look at her. I’m now at the podium and standing next to Eliza and Carter. Eliza is looking at me with her mouth open and Carter is trying to understand whether he want’s to help me or hit me. I’d probably go with the latter.
“Derek, I’m warning you,” Wanda threatens.
“Or what? You’ll tell the world that I sexually assaulted Mandy in my office? Then because you’re paying her you’ll get her to testify in court against me?” I ask.
Wanda shuts up, not realizing that I could bring this up. But I press on, even though people are starting to talk with concern at what I’m saying.
“Because folks, that’s exactly what happened. Just as Eliza was about to come back to America, Wanda bursts into my office as I have my cock inside Mandy. I didn’t even know Eliza was coming back to the country but Wanda showed me that Mandy was a setup and that if I wanted to stay outta jail, I better fucking do what she wanted me to do,” I begin and reporters start scrambling to get everything I’m saying. Photographers start clicking their cameras. “She tells me the only way I can do this is by convincing Eliza to start investing in Red Lion Aviation. That’s the only way I can redeem myself and save my own skin. Otherwise she’s going to the police with a statement already prepared by my intern that I assaulted her. How’s that for good planning?”
Eliza gasps next to me. I turn to her.
She’s not sure whether to look at me with betrayal or what. The emotions going through her face are classic range of grief.
But baby girl needs to realize there’s no need to be sad. Daddy’s here.
“Don’t worry, Eliza, I was never going to betray you anyways,” I say to her. And then I look at Carter. “And I was never going to let your company go under. I know that we’ve had our differences and haven’t gotten along. But I always knew there was something special about you, you fucking asshole.”
Carter laughs at that and some of the reporters are laughing along with us. But I’m not done yet.
I turn back to Wanda.
“So the whole trick was getting Wanda to this point. If she thought that she won, she’d come out and reveal her hand. And her goal all this time wasn’t to just embezzle some money through this investment, but to take control of the entire family estate. I can understand that now but I can’t understand how someone could do something so low just for money,” I say to the crowd. “Even when we’re talking about the vast sums of money that the Seymour estate has, it’s still pretty low for a fucking human being.”