Page 25 of Mistletoe Kisses
Holly smiled and hugged the only father who’d ever cared for her. “Thank you, Jack.” She had never called Diane’s parents Mom and Dad, but they were the closest things to it.
Diane and Holly followed Jack into the kitchen where he pulled out turkey leftovers and bread. “Want a sandwich?” he asked.
Holly looked down at herself. Still in PJs, and it was already noon. “I haven’t even eaten breakfast.”
“Breakfast is overrated. Sit down, and I’ll make you lunch. For all the meals you’ve made us over the years, I can make you a turkey sandwich.”
“Oh, all right.”
Diane escaped upstairs to shower, and Holly sat across from him at the bar. “How’s work going?”
“It’s the holidays. It’s surprising I’ve gotten so much time off, but the surgeries are lined up for me as soon as I return. I’m working for the next three days, and I’m really sorry about not being able to go into town with you and the girls.”
Holly frowned. “It’s all right. I’m sure there are tons of people who have needed you lately.”
“Yep. How’s school going? Are you getting all your assignments done? Any guys you’re dating lately?”
“Yes and no.” She thought of Eric and the desire she’d seen in his eyes. “Well, there is one guy.” Other than spilling her story to Diane on the way home, she hadn’t told a single other person how she felt.
“Oh, yeah? Tell me about him.”
Holly took a deep breath and gave him a short summary of Eric. “He’s really the sweetest guy. And we kissed.”
Jack dropped the knife in his hand. “Come again?”
She laughed at his reaction. “It was because of some mistletoe you and Susan sent us. And it was right before the dance.” She went on to explain the situation between Eric and Aimee, and Jack nodded.
“Ahh, I see where the dilemma is. You two like each other, but you don’t want to hurt your friend.”
“And what did Diane say? Does she support you dating someone your friend likes?”
“Of course, I support her,” Diane said, coming into the room. “I didn’t know you guys were talking about Eric. Dad, she hasn’t dated anyone since high school. Don’t you think she should go for it?”
Jack gave a hesitant nod. “I do.” He met Holly’s surprised expression. “Yes, I do think you should go for it. If your friend loves you at all, she will understand how monumental this is for you—that someone finally sees the beautiful person behind the scars.”
“Thanks, you two. Now, should we talk about Cameron, Diane’s boyfriend?”
“Don’t you dare,” Diane said, poking her in the side.
“Oh, really. A boyfriend, huh?” Jack teased.
Diane shot Holly a look that made her laugh. “Serves you right.”
The doorbell rang, interrupting Diane’s interrogation. “Dad, are you expecting someone?”
“No, are you two?”
Both she and Holly shook their heads. There was no one Holly wanted to see. Her mom had moved to Idaho without writing a return address on the note she’d left at Jack and Susie’s house.
“No. How about Susie?” Diane’s mom was at the school, planning for her first week back. She spent as much time at the elementary school as Jack did at the hospital.
“Nope. She didn’t mention anything.”
The doorbell rang again. “I’ll get it,” Holly said, sliding across the wood floors in her socks. “Who is it?” she called, her hand on the door. When no one answered, she opened the door and nearly stumbled back. “Eric? Cameron?”
“Who’s at the door?” Diane called, coming into the hallway.