Page 48 of Mistletoe Kisses
“Honey,” Herbert said, “I think you’re being a little too much. The woman is harmless.”
“She’s a walking medical issue.”
Stung by her insensitive words, Holly slipped back around the corner and tiptoed to Eric’s room. How could his mom say something so mean about someone she barely knew? Would Eric have to come to her rescue the rest of her life? It would be a lie to say she hadn’t thought of marrying him, but she’d never be able to marry into his family if they weren’t accepting of, and especially, kind about her past.
She hadn’t asked for her dad to be drunk that night. She hadn’t asked him to stand there and stare as her flesh burned off her skin. As far as parents went, she didn’t need them.
And she especially didn’t need Eric’s parents.
Holly was asleep by the time Eric was done lecturing his mom. Not wanting to wake her, he took his suitcase around the construction to one of the spare rooms and set up camp.
His blood still boiled from the conversation with his mom. And she wondered why he never brought women home.
After changing into some sweats and a T-shirt, he crawled into bed and flipped through his pictures of Holly. What was there not to like? She was kind, gentle, and the best cook he’d ever met. Looks had nothing to do with his evaluation, but since the dance, he’d only seen the beautiful side of Holly. The makeup had done a fantastic job, but he loved her face as it was, scars and all. It was only outsiders that they would have to deal with, but just as he had that night, he would defend Holly with his dying breath. Out of all the women he’d dated in his life, she was the most unique, the one he loved the most. There was no doubt how he felt after sitting at the dinner table next to her.
His heart raced as he thought of his next steps. When was he going to bring up the internship? If he didn’t do it soon, he’d lose his opportunity. The next day, he’d planned to pull the four-wheelers out and dust them off. In Saint George, there were plenty of abandoned dirt roads and trails to ride on. Maybe he could tell her then.
Before he forgot, he texted Cameron to make sure he’d come, and then sent his mom a text to let her know their plans so she didn’t start shoving things into his schedule. He was a grown man for heaven’s sake!
Lastly, he sent a text to Holly.
When you wake up tomorrow, just know, the day is about us. We won’t even stay in the house after breakfast. I’m sorry my mom hurt you, but don’t let that stop you from having a good time. I’m so glad you’re here.
To emphasize his feelings, he sent a bunch of heart and kissy emojis before finally turning off his phone and slipping deeper under the covers.
The next morning, his mom was in the kitchen mixing up a batch of pancakes. “Morning, sweetie. I noticed you didn’t even sleep in your room. I thought your friend was staying at Cameron’s.”
Irritation rubbed at his conscience, and he headed for the fridge to grab a carton of milk. “It’s fine, Mom. We have space, and I couldn’t disturb her when she was sleeping.”
“Sneaky move, if you ask me.”
Spinning around, he held out the carton at her accusingly. “Mom, I thought we talked about this. I don’t care how you feel about Holly, but it would be better if you stopped this, because she’s not going anywhere. You’ll make our relationship—yours and mine—worse if you try to get in the middle.”
Frustration flashed through his mom’s expression. “And what about Wisconsin? Is she okay that you’re leaving for that long?”
He glanced around the kitchen and toward the stairs. He tried to shush her so that she’d lower her voice. “Mom, she doesn’t know about that yet. I want to make sure our relationship is solid. I’m sure you can understand that.”
“Your hesitation is the perfect sign that maybe you don’t want to be in a long-distance relationship.”
He slammed the milk down on the table, sloshing it everywhere. “That’s not it at all.” Or was it? His mom wasn’t trying to ruin his life, but . . . this was Holly. “Mom, I don’t care what you think. You’re not doing the choosing here—I am.”
She crossed her arms over her chest, getting pancake batter all over her apron.
“I think we can overcome the distance. It’s only for a few months.”
“You think?” she asked critically. “If you have to think about it—”
“Can’t you be happy for me? She’s the kindest, most warm-hearted person I’ve ever met, and you can either support us or not be a big part of our lives.”
He grabbed a towel from the counter, cleaned up the milk, and left the towel on the counter before making a grand exit from the room. Just as he took his first steps away, Holly came into view and smiled at him. His heart lifted. How much had she heard? Had she heard the part about Wisconsin?
Dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, and a hat, she wore a wide grin. Without so much as a glance toward his mom, she ran to him and hugged him close.
He buried his face in her shoulder and breathed in her sweet smell. “Did you sleep well?”