Page 10 of Cabin for Three
Before I could give it much thought though, Hudson appeared with the massive cooler we’d packed for the trip. He flashed me a smile and said, “This place is great, don’t you think?”
“It’s perfect.” When he started to unload the cooler, I asked, “Why don’t you let me do that? You drove all the way here, and you must be tired.”
“I’m fine.”
I caught his hand, and when he turned to look at me I gently touched his cheek. He hadn’t been sleeping well recently, and there were shadows under his blue eyes. Plus, he had a habit of running himself into the ground, continuing to do what he thought was expected of him even if he was ill or exhausted, and I’d learned to watch for the signs. “Go sit down, Sonny,” I said gently. “I’ll make a pot of coffee and bring us some of those cookies I baked last night.”
He looked vulnerable as he met my gaze and said, “But there’s a lot to do, and I need to help.”
“You did help. You drove for almost four hours, and I bet your knee is killing you.” He ducked his head, as if he felt guilty about being in pain, and it made my heart ache. He’d been taught that he had to perform at all times and prove his worth over and over again. I’d been trying so hard to teach him he was worthy of love unconditionally, but it was hard to rewrite a lifetime of the wrong messages.
When Noah returned to the kitchen a moment later, I turned to him and said, “Will you please get Sonny to go sit down for a few minutes, while I make us all a snack?”
Noah put his arm around Hudson’s shoulders and guided him toward the living room as he said, “You heard Kel, and as we both know, he’s the boss. Let’s go see if that couch is as comfortable as it looks. I moved it over so it’s in front of the fireplace, although the fire I started is pretty puny.”
Hudson tried to tell him, “I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not,” he said gently as they left the kitchen, “and that’s perfectly okay.”
I unpacked the cooler while the coffee brewed. Then I made up a tray with three mugs of Irish coffee and a plate of cookies and carried it into the living room. Hudson had taken his shoes off and was curled up on the couch, while Noah was trying to coax the fire into more than a smolder.
“I spiked the coffee,” I announced, as I took a seat beside Hudson and handed him one of the mugs. “I know it’s barely three p.m. but we’re on vacation, so what the hell.”
* * *
I’d had such wholesome plans—to decorate the tree and bake cookies and get a big pot of soup simmering on the stovetop. Instead, we all got totally hammered.
At one point, when I was splayed out on the rug in front of the fireplace with my third (or fourth?) Irish coffee balanced on my chest, I raised my head and told my companions, “We went right to the drinking, but we haven’t even explored yet! There’s supposed to be a big deck out back, so should we go see it?”
Noah, who was strewn across the couch, apparently misunderstood me, because he muttered, “I like big dicks.” That sent all three of us into a fit of laughter.
“Me, too.” I caught the mug before it spilled and got up. “But I actually said deck. I’m gonna go check it out. Who’s with me?”
“That’s way less exciting than going to see a big dick,” Noah complained, and Hudson nodded.
“There’s a hot tub out there,” I pointed out. “If we all get naked and get in it, then it’ll be dicks galore. A veritable dickstravagnaza. A dickapaloosa, if you will.”
Noah lunged off the couch and asked, “How do we get to that hot tub?”
I said, “I think it’s off the main bedroom,” and led the way, with both Hudson and Noah right behind me.
The bedroom was as cozy as the rest of the cabin, with its own fireplace, a huge, rustic four-poster bed, and a chaise lounge in a corner reading nook. As much as I wanted to explore every bit of it, we were currently three men on a mission, so we cut straight through to the glass door at the back of the room.
Sure enough, that led to a deck with a hot tub, a pair of dark red Adirondack chairs, and a sweeping view of a forested valley. There were no other houses in sight, which made me feel brave enough to start stripping.
It obviously hadn’t snowed in days, since there were just a few patches that had survived in the shade. Even so, it was extremely cold, especially compared to what I was used to. As soon as I got naked, my first impulse was to hide my junk with my hands, since the frigid temperature wasn’t doing me any favors. But I forgot all about that when I turned around and took in the scene in front of me.
Hudson and Noah finished stripping down a few moments after I did, and then we all just stood there for a long moment and took each other in. If we hadn’t been a bit drunk, we never would have been bold enough to blatantly check each other out like this. But with all those Irish coffees peeling away our inhibitions, the rules had changed.
Noah and Hudson were both tall and muscular, and while I was neither of those things, they admired me exactly the same way that I admired them. I ran my gaze down Noah, from the caramel highlights in his brown hair to his handsome face, past his broad chest to his thick cock…where I just sort of got stuck. What could I say? It was impressive.
Okay, I was totally staring at my best friend’s dick. I really needed to knock it off before I made this super weird.
I quickly turned my attention to Hudson. I’d obviously seen him naked many times, but never like this—totally bathed in sunlight. He was blond all over, from his arms and legs to his chest, and the way the light hit him turned him golden. He looked as ethereal as an angel, and so gorgeous that he took my breath away.
Noah was the first to break the spell. He quickly turned away, just as I noticed he was starting to get hard, and exclaimed, “I’m freezing my balls off! Help me get the cover off the hot tub.” In the next instant, all three of us were in motion. He and Hudson pulled off the bulky cover while I turned on the jets, and then we all practically dove into the Jacuzzi.
We sat there in the hot, steamy water for about two minutes. It felt like all three of us were waiting to see what would happen, but none of us were willing to initiate anything.