Page 17 of Cabin for Three
Kel murmured, “Damn, that’s hot.” Then he began thrusting into my mouth, and a shudder of pleasure ran down my spine.
It was everything I’d imagined and more—kneeling there and taking it from both ends while primal sounds filled the air. I grasped my hard, dripping cock and began jerking off while my boyfriends ramped it up, and the whole world shrank down to just the three of us.
I jerked off harder, thrusting into my hand while Noah pounded my ass and Kel fucked my face. My orgasm built and built until I teetered on the edge. Finally, I yelled around the cock in my mouth and began shooting onto the blanket, which set both of them off, too.
It was intense, and overwhelming, and the most liberating thing I could possibly imagine. Nothing mattered but sex and pleasure and the two extraordinary men who were making my wildest fantasy come true.
It felt honest too, because I wasn’t hiding, or pretending, or denying who I was. Afterwards, I would have gladly walked back to the cabin buck naked, anointed with cum and sweat. But I started to cool down fast, and when I shivered, Kel and Noah sprang into action. They brought me my clothes, and tissues to clean up, and I got dressed quickly while they both put themselves back together.
Then we hurried back to the cabin, where we took turns showering. While Kel was finishing up, Noah and I went into the kitchen to start lunch, and I whispered, “Since Kel did so much for us by renting this cabin, I want to do something special for him tomorrow. I need your help, though.”
Noah smiled at me and replied, “Whatever it is, I’m in.”
On Christmas morning, I woke up warm and comfortable in bed with Noah and Hudson on either side of me. I snuggled in and enjoyed it for a while. Eventually though, my need for the bathroom prompted me to burrow under the covers and climb out over the foot of the bed, so I didn’t wake them.
After I used the facilities and brushed my teeth, I snuck back into bed the same way. This time, they both stirred. Noah rolled toward me and draped an arm over my chest, and Hudson slid his hand around my waist.
“This feels so good,” I whispered. “Can we just stay in bed all day?”
“Sure, but there are presents in the other room,” Noah mumbled.
I’d almost forgotten about that. I climbed over him and exclaimed, “Get up! I’ll go make some coffee. Hurry!”
He chuckled and did as I asked. Then he circled the bed and lightly swatted Hudson’s ass as he said, “You heard the boss. Time to get up, handsome.”
Hudson muttered, “I’m up,” into his pillow, but made no move to actually get out of bed.
“Coffee and presents in five minutes,” I announced. “Noah, I’m assigning you to Hudson-wrangling duty.”
Noah tried to coax our boyfriend with, “Come on. You can do it, baby. Coffee, presents, and blow jobs await.”
The last thing I saw before I left the room was Hudson sitting up and mumbling, “Did you say blow jobs?” That made me grin.
One or both of my guys had been busy and wonderfully thoughtful the night before. They’d assembled kindling and wood in the fireplace, so I was able to get the fire going with a single match. My next stop was the kitchen. There was a note on the oven with instructions to preheat it to three-fifty, because there was a French toast casserole waiting in the fridge. The coffee pot was all set up too, so I just had to push a button to start brewing.
By the time Noah and Hudson joined me after visiting the bathroom and cleaning up a bit, I had three mugs of coffee doctored up, just how everyone liked them. We took them into the living room, and Hudson glanced at his phone and said, “My brother Harper messaged me last night to wish us a Merry Christmas. He and his husband Phoenix are currently in London while Harper’s shooting a film. What time is it there?”
“Eight hours later than here,” Noah said.
While Hudson sent a reply, I asked him, “Did you tell them about the three of us?”
“Yeah, yesterday. Apparently they’re in the thought-we-were-already-a-throuple camp. They’re keeping it to themselves, of course, since the rest of my family’s heads will probably explode once they find out. But it’s nice that at least my brother and brother-in-law were able to take this news in stride.”
Noah took a look at his phone and said, “I have a message, too. My parents replied to the text I sent them last night. I told them about you after I wished them a Merry Christmas, and here’s what they wrote: ‘Happy Christmas Noah, from your mother and father. Exciting news about your relationship. Would love to meet them when we return from Zermatt.’ The ‘from your mother and father’ part is funny. Like, thanks Mom, I never would have figured out who it was from.”
I asked, “Where’s Zermatt?”
“Are they there for work?” His mother was a journalist for an international art magazine, and her husband was her photographer. The job had sent them—and occasionally Noah, when he was younger—all around the world, and even in their sixties, it seemed they hadn’t slowed down much.
Noah shrugged. “They’re currently visiting some old friends, but right before that they toured a new art installation in Bern, so I guess it’s a little of both.”
“And that’s really all they had to say about the fact that you’re in a relationship with two men?” Hudson seemed surprised.