Page 6 of Cabin for Three
“No, and I’m glad we’re talking about this. But like I said, it could go wrong. What if we pitched the idea to him and he turned us down? Would things become awkward, or worse, would it ruin our friendship with him?”
“This is Noah we’re talking about. He takes everything in stride. If we told him we wanted to date him and he wasn’t into it, I could see him laughing and being like, ‘nah, let’s not go there’ and then that would be it. Don’t you think so?”
“Yeah, I could see that, too.” After a pause, I glanced at Kel and asked, “But what about you and me? What if we tried this and it didn’t work out? Would we still be okay?”
He slid closer and took my hand. “Always. But maybe what you really need to ask yourself is if you’d be ready for something like this, if it actually happened. It might make your life really complicated.”
“It’s already complicated. I know I need to come out, and whether I’m in a relationship with one man or two when it happens, does it really make much difference? After all, my dad can only disown me once, no matter how many bombshells I drop on him.”
“That’s true.” He curled up on his side, and I got in the same position, so we were face-to-face. Then he grinned and said, “So, tell me about that sex dream.”
“I dreamt Noah was sucking my cock, and afterwards he held me in his arms and I felt really…safe. Then I woke up feeling guilty, like I’d just cheated on you or something.”
“There’s nothing to feel guilty about.” A smile spread across his beautiful face, and after a moment he said, “I’m really proud of us.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Because we’re managing to talk about this stuff without getting defensive or jealous. That seems very mature, don’t you think?”
I grinned and said, “You’re right. Go us.”
* * *
We talked for another hour or so, before Kel finally dozed off. Then I settled in at his side and replayed our conversation.
We’d decided we were going to bring this up with Noah on our vacation. It could be a huge mistake…but somehow, it just didn’t feel like one.
Maybe that was because everyone was right. Maybe the three of us were already in a relationship, but we’d just been afraid to acknowledge it or take it to the next level.
And maybe things were going to get very interesting in that cabin, once all of this was out in the open.
I held a striped sweater to my chest and asked Timothy, my friend and neighbor, “Does this make me look like Freddy Krueger?”
He glanced up from scratching my dog’s ears. “Yes. Now, are we going to talk about why you’re so nervous? Because it seems like a week in a cabin with your two best friends should have the exact opposite effect.”
I tossed the sweater aside and shrugged. “It’s the first time Kel and Hudson and I have gone on vacation together, and it feels like a big deal.”
He flashed me a wicked grin as he crossed his legs and pushed his dark hair out of his eyes. “Or maybe it’s because the three of you might finally get a chance to enjoy that hot, sweaty spit roast you’ve been dreaming about.”
“Jesus, Timothy.”
“Am I wrong?”
“We’re just friends, so there won’t be any sweaty…anything.”
“Oh, you are not. You’re in love with both of them, and everyone knows it.” He leaned back on my blue sofa, and my dog rested her head on his lap.
“Everyone doesnotknow it,” I told him, as I stuffed some clothes into a duffle bag. “You know who especially doesn’t know it? Hudson and Kel.”
He turned his gaze to what I was packing and exclaimed, “Woah there Paul Bunyan! Just how many flannel shirts does one person need?”
“A lot. One for every day of the week, plus a few extra in case I get dirty.”
“No! You need to sex it up a little. Pack that form-fitting Henley, the one you shrank in the dryer.” I frowned at him, and he said, “I’m serious! You work out like crazy and have an amazing body, so show that shit off.”