Page 10 of Crown of Ashes
I’ve always felt in my element when I’m in the woods. There’s no telling why. It’s something innate that runs deep within me. I justfithere. I think Allister would agree. He still won’t let me forget the time I introduced my boot to his face when he brought me to Hell. Maybe it’s my familiar and the bond we share that makes me feel this way. Maybe it’s the witch blood in my veins and the link my kind has with nature. Regardless, if I’m going to kick Kai’s ass, my best chance is in the forest.
The wind slices across my skin as I sprint, weaving around trees and hurdling the underbrush. The air burns my lungs as I inhale deep.She’s gotta be here somewhere…My cat, Luri, walked with me on my way here. She couldn’t have gotten far. Kai never said we couldn’t get help, and she’s exactly the kind of upper hand I need.
He isn’t far behind me. His power always has a way of making my skin tingle when he’s near and it’s growing stronger by the second. I could continue running… He’d definitely catch up to me soon. My leg span is nothing compared to his. Or I could hide and try to outsmart him. If he passes me, I could attack from behind with magic. Would he fall for it, though? Or I could whistle for Luri. It would give away my position, but she’d hear it and come running to my aid. I’d just have to hold him off until she gets—
My feet giveaway as the ground beneath me crumples.
Arms flailing, I try to grasp onto the edge of the hole that’s opened up, desperate to cling on. Kai couldn’t have done this. He can’t manipulate the earth. That’s amething. And if he didn’t do it, I don’t want to know what did.
I latch on, my fingers digging into the soil for support, and aching from the strain. It’s too soft. Every time I dig my nails in, they slip forward, disturbing the dirt and leaving claw marks behind. My legs kick, searching for anything to brace against, but they hit nothing but air, like I’m dangling over the edge of a cliff.
A rumbling noise hits my ears as the ground starts to tremble and quake. I pray it’s not whatever creature made this bloody trap. Sadly, my prayers are answered with something far worse. The ground gives, breaking through where I hold and I free fall. Rocks tumble and shatter into pieces as they slam into the slanted tunnel, then tumble away. I barely have a second to register, to brace, before my back crashes into the smooth surface ten feet below, and the air is knocked from my lungs.
I gasp, reaching out toward the tunnel wall as my body starts to slip down the slide-like tunnel. But it’s too far out of reach. Slowly, I pick up speed, traveling deeper and deeper into the pitch-black. A hump in the surface sends my butt airborne and a tingle shoots up my spine, bowing it as my tail bone connects with the tunnel once more. I wince as a throbbing pain radiates through me.
A small circle of light grows brighter in the distance and I just hope to God that whatever is on the other side won’t be worse. My body spins end over end, like an Alice-shaped bowling ball, as I exit the tunnel. Sailing through the air, I plummet and crash into the water. An icy coolness explodes around me as I’m submerged and as I yank myself to the surface, I gasp to fill my lungs.
Well…That’s one way to lose him.
Wading, I spin around.It’s a lagoon.Rocky cliffs surround three sides and a sloped hill, the one I just bolted out of, is on the other. The water is crystal clear and I can see down to the jagged bottom and the contorted reflection of my legs paddling. It’s beautiful. A hidden gem within a forest of curses.
“Alice!” I hear Kai, along with the frantic movement of his feet, before he clears the top of the cliff to my right. He skids to a stop, nearly tumbling off the ledge. “Alice! Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I yell back. “All good.” I give him a thumbs up, then drop it quickly when I start to lose my buoyancy. Paddling to the shore, I high-step out of the lagoon and barely clear the water before I’m pulled against Kai’s chest. Sopping wet and all.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asks, not giving a damn about my soaked clothes, or the fact my hair is dripping.
“Yeah, I’m fine. What the hell was that?”
“A rabbit hole.” He pulls away with a smirk, tilting his mischievous lips.
“Ha Ha. Very funny.” Rolling my eyes, I push against his chest and walk toward one of the larger rocks on the bank so I can take a seat and empty the water from my boots.
“No Wonderland puns needed. It really is a rabbit hole. Hell bunnies are massive creatures. You don’t want to run into one if you don’t have to. Despite earth rabbits eating carrots and other plants, ours are most definitely carnivores. They’ve swallowed men whole.”
Hell bunnies? Are there any other creatures I should know about? Looking out over the lagoon as I shove my feet back into my shoes. Bright yellow lights rise out of the water, hovering over the glassy smooth surface and one zips through the air toward me, screeching to a stop within inches of my face. In the middle of the glowing light, I can make out a small marble-like ball.Fireflies?
As I reach out to get a closer look, Kai slaps my hand away. “Don’t.”
“Why?” I stare at him as the light retreats to the water’s edge.
“If you touch it, you’re giving it the ability to talk to you. They communicate by pushing thoughts into your head and by bargaining deals. Whisps are cunning little creatures. They’ll tell you whatever you want to hear in order to convince you to let them possess you. Only the deal will never have an end date. That’s the point, though. They never do, and therefore don’t have to uphold their portion of the deal. Trust me. Don’t even open the door.”
My eyebrows scrunch as I nod my understanding. Whisps? Are they like faeries? “Wouldn’t I have touched them when I was in the water?”
“Probably not. They live on the bottom in the darkest parts of the lagoon. You would’ve had to have gone really deep.”
Kai moves to stand in front of me as I sit on the boulder and my eyes flicker to the dagger sheathed on his thigh.There’s still time to win…
“Hmmm,” I say, making the sound through my closed lips. Without wasting a second, I lunge forward, yanking the dagger from the sheath. As soon as I free it from the leather holster, his palm connects with my wrist, knocking it from my grip. He catches the blade in midair, then presses it to my throat. My neck extends, determined to put as much distance between me and the sharp edge.
“Sly move, Princess.” He leans in close, putting his lips an inch away from mine. The cool metal of the flat portion of the blade lays across my skin, nestled beneath my jaw. “You’ll have to be sneakier than that.”
As much as I should want to crawl backward on the stone, to move away from him, I know he won’t hurt me. It’s been so long since I’ve seen him. One toe-curling kiss will never be enough. I need more.
Even with the knife poised and ready to maim, I lean forward, crushing my lips to his. He lets up on the dagger, but not enough. It nicks my flesh with a sharp sting. It’s just a scratch, but it’s enough to send a bead of blood rolling down the length of my neck.