Page 45 of Crown of Ashes
“Nothing… No, sweet girl. That sword is the only thing capable of killing an immortal. Sure, they can overload themselves with magic and die, or get eaten by monsters and broken into pieces, but that sword is the only weapon capable of it on its own. One nick and it’s over.”
I suck in a breath, halting in place. “You let me, no youcommandedI fight you with it in the woods. I could’ve killed you!”
“I wanted the challenge.” Kai doesn’t stop moving, nor does he face me. I speed to catch up with him, falling back into step.
“Fine! Then answer me this. Had you died, could I have put your soul back into your body? If I had preserved it like your father did your mother?”
He shakes his head no. “I’m afraid not.”
“And if I gave myself a paper cut?”
He shrugs. “I’m sure you’d be fine. If it can determinewhois wielding it, I’m sure it can choosewhoit harms.”
“You’ve had this the entire time,” I mumble, shaking my head. “If I can pull it, I’m certain you can. ThatLucifercan. So, why is the High King still alive? Why lock your enemies in a prison world when you could’ve taken their heads? We certainly wouldn’t be on the brink of war right now if you had.” My tone is clipped, even though I’m trying like hell to keep my emotions at bay. It’s easier said than done. Somehow, even after living here for a year and trying to absorb information like a sponge, I’m still faced with surprises that manifest in the fucking dark.
“Why didn’t God? He wasn’t even capable of creating a weapon strong enough to kill the gods. It’s why he sealed them away down here. Zeus and his siblings created the Valkyries’ swords just in case they ever needed to kill one of their kind, but he added a little something to the brew. Only a woman can use its power. Since then, they’ve all been destroyed except for that one.”
“Why? Did he think a woman would never be daring enough to try to hurt him?” I roll my eyes. Typical man.
“Sort of. More like he had a way of wooing women. It’s why he had so many children. His son obviously inherited the gift—whatever it is—because he has many daughters, too.”
“Hold up. Are you saying you have some sort of superpower? What? Women just look at you and get all hot and bothered,” I tease, half expecting him to laugh, but the pang in my gut has already answered my question.
“You tell me.”
I know damn well that he possibly does, to an extent, but Kai doesn’t need to know that. He’s as gorgeous as they come with a dusting of stubble along his sharp, chiseled jaw. His body screams of being battle-hardened, with strong muscles forged from violence and brute force. The way power exudes from him, lacing within his tone as he says the simplest things. I can see it. He’s swoon-worthy for sure. I always thought there was something more there, but I assumed it was the magic floating between us. He said it best.Power will always be drawn to power.I suppose it just adds another layer to the mystery that is Hell’s Prince of Darkness.
“Well, if Daddy Zeus could see me now,” I tease, fingering the hilt at my side.
“He’d be shaking in his boots.” Kai glances at me, his lips forming a mischievous smirk as he takes the reins of his horse. “What do you say, Princess? Ready to inspire people?” The man leading my mare hands her off and bows before falling back into the ranks.
“Damn right, I am.”
Kai lifts onto his horse, swinging his leg over and sitting up straight. It’s effortless like he’s done it a hundred thousand times and at this point, it’s muscle memory. He was born to wear that crown, and just the image of him clad in his armor would be enough to inspire the masses.
Me, on the other hand, I jump and swing, but my foot barely makes it over my mare’s back and I end up latching on to her round belly to avoid busting my ass. Slowly, I begin to slip down, like a jelly hand getting slapped onto a cool window.
Kai chuckles, steering his horse to the other side of mine, while I cling like a spider monkey. He reaches down, gripping the back of my pants, and hoists me up onto my horse.
“Well… I don’t know if you inspired them, but I’m sure you gave some a good laugh.”Luri’s voice echoes inside my head and I twist from side to side, looking for her. Beyond the rows upon rows of men, there’s nothing but open field. The projection of the barrier is gone as if it never existed. But above the treetops, I can see movement. They’re coming and within moments, our enemy will break through those trees. The war will be upon us.
Glancing behind me, I spot yellow eyes hanging in midair, bobbing up and down and side to side as if she’s walking, but the rest of her is missing—or rather invisible. “You’re going to scare the men.”
“Pshhh. Please. I’m not dense. I’m a Never Cat, strolling in front of a herd of men hungry for monster blood. I’m not revealing my stripes until their princess is present. Then, if one of them gets a wild hair and shoots me, I’ll have cause to eat them, and mommy is hungry.”The floating eyes come closer until they are right next to my mare.“Now, get off that horse before you hurt yourself.”
“And what might you suggest I do, then? Walk? Ride shotgun with Kai and hope his backswing doesn’t hit me as he pillages the land?”
“No, you hussy. I meant to ride me.”
“Oh, I see,” I say, pursing my lips. “I suppose that would work.”
“You suppose? You’ve been making me carry you around for months. What was that about if not to ride me into battle?”
“In all honesty, I just didn’t want to walk.”
She hisses and I quickly climb off, handing the horse’s reins to one of the men standing by.
“What are you doing?” Kai’s voice drowns out into the background as I approach Luri, half expecting to become her brunch, and half expecting her to bow to help me on. Thankfully, it is the latter.