Page 47 of Crown of Ashes
“Yes,” Finn says, spinning his horse around once we breach the back of the army.
“But they’re all dead?”
“You’d be correct. Only two of the bodies reside on our side of the barrier. The last, well… They found a use for it.”
The thick collar around its neck sparks as the hooded figures pull power toward them. The beast cries out in the air, moving quicker as flames build within its mouth. The castors of our army move in sync, swirling their arms in the air as a shield materializes behind our army. Thick talons scrape across the ground as the fury lands, up heaving the earth and thrusting its neck back. It slams its head forward, and blue flames erupt, scorching a path behind our army just in front of the shield.
It wasn’t meant to destroy us from behind. That line of flames is to prevent our men from escaping. The High King plans to end us here, and he wants to make sure he gets us all. Not to mention the amount of power we just wasted to guard against a possible attack from the dragon-like creature. Most of the casters in the line are witches, but they’ll have to siphon magic fromsomethingand that takes time, like reloading a gun.
Pulling Luri around to face the front lines, I spot the collars zapping around the creature’s necks as they push forward, covering the distance faster than our men can. Teeth tear through flesh and blood spills, covering the ground and painting it red. One creature on the right side curls its dark wooden-like hands around the collar, yanking at it with purpose. Smoke spills from the cracks between the stone surface of his flesh and his red eyes stretch wide as a pulse of electricity rockets through him. I can’t hear his whaling cry, but I can see the pain written on his face as he jerks unnaturally. Giving in, he folds on all fours and darts forward, crashing into our men like a wrecking ball and sending bodies airborne.
“They don’t want to fight,” I say, reaching for Finn’s arm. “None of them do.”
“Regardless, they’re here, Alice. It’s our life or theirs.”
“The little man is right,”Luri echoes.“At this point, we’re either with them or against them. There are no other options.”
The fury launches up from the ground, pushing high in the clouds and circling above. It must’ve depleted its firepower. Dragons need time to recharge, just as witches do. I suppose furies aren’t any different.
Finn searches over the battlefield, squinting to see through the haze.
“What are you looking for?”
“There’s only one man I know that can raise the dead. Either the High King touched him and took his power, or he’s here. And if he’s here and no longer spellbound, then we have bigger problems.”
My eyes widen until the onslaught of smoke burns against them. “Kai’s brother.”
Finn’s head barely moves, but it’s enough.
Our bugle sounds, telling our army the first line has fallen. Methodically, our people regroup, and the second line moves forward, clashing with monsters as swords flay flesh and sever bone. I search through the chaos, looking for golden armor, and spotting Kai’s helmet as he moves with lethal grace. Not one, but with two swords in his hands, he slices through monster after monster, leveling them to ash.
An orc roars while rushing toward him with a massive mallet, skewed with what looks like tips of broken blades jutting out in every direction. Kai takes his stance, spotting the insurgent out of the corner of his eye. He spins low, missing the swing of the hammer, and jousts the giant in the knee, sending him tumbling forward. Another man, covered in webs of black magic, spots him and shoves his way through the crowd, growing closer as Kai stacks body after body.
His swords collide, crisscrossing to stop the vicious swing of an enemy blade. His foot lands on the man’s stomach, sending him careening backward. Only before the man’s body can hit the ground, Kai flashes behind him, removing his head. Blood sprays adding to the mess of it across his armor.
The man with the inky black webs across his flesh continues forward as light builds around his hands. His head slips back the rest of the way and the creatures with collars jerk as he siphons power from them. The collars might be controlling them, but they’re allowing the sorcerers to channel their life force, too. It’s a link, a power grid capable of creating nearly endless magic.
The horn blows again, and Finn pats my arm. “That’s us.”
“Who is that?” I ask, pointing toward the man splitting the battlefield.
“No idea, but Kai will be fine. I’m sure of it.” Finn tears the flag hanging off his horse’s side away and hands it to me. I start at the twin snakes, weaving around golden roses. The symbol of Hell Hold. “Tie that around Luri’s neck so our men know she’s with us. I’m sure most saw her, but just in case.”
I do as he says, slipping it around her neck like a bandanna. “There, bitch. Now you have a bib.” She doesn’t respond, only tips her head to glance at me with her yellow eyes for a moment, then turns her attention back to the battlefield.
Finn bites his lip, watching me intently as if the two of us are the real show. “I think she likes it,” I assure him, reaching down to pat her neck.
“I hate you.”
“I love you, too.” Scanning the crowds, I spot Lucifer on his steed, far away from the battle but watching it all play from the safety of the hilltop. Similar to the High King, who waits near the edge of the woods in the dance, armed with his shifter bodyguards, holding flags on spokes. Neither king is willing to fight alongside their people… It’s fucking wrong, in my opinion. If you’re going to sentence men to death, the least you can do is accept the same fate.
Kai falls back along with the other men as the third wave of men rushes forward, clashing with the monsters. He strips off the front and back plates of his arm, plucking a bottle of water out of thin air. He takes a long swig as some of it spills down his chin and rolls down the length of his neck.
Amber eyes meet mine as he nods, sending me and Finn off with his blessing.
“If you need me, I’ll be there,”his voice sounds in my head, as power rolls across my flesh, pebbling it into goosebumps.
Luri prowls down, ready to stalk forward and sever heads. Finn lifts his sword, signaling for the rest of the third wave of men to charge forward. We pounce off the line, weaving through monsters and dodging stray swords, pushing deep into enemy territory.