Page 49 of Crown of Ashes
I sneak through the carnage, avoiding swords and the clash of man and monster as I sleek to the other side of the battlefield. The moment we get these hooded bitches out of the way, the tables will turn. It’s our best chance.
Using my magic, I send out tendrils of power, searching the crowd for Finn. One finally latches on, finding its target. I intended to use it to lead the way through the carnage, but he yanks hard on my power, channeling me.
That can’t be good.
Casting my eyes to the ranks of our men, not many remain, meaning what’s left of us is on this battlefield, if not dead. Kai’s gaze is locked on the far side of the clearing, where my magic is pulling me. His hand scrubs down his jaw before it lifts to pull at his hair.
Finn yanks hard again, siphoning my magic through the link until the spell keeping us both invisible falters. Something catches sight of my person, a creature half-orc, half-elf? Goblin? Who the fuck knows with these things. It stalks through the chaos, making a straight shot for me. The body of it appears man-like, with a skirt thing wrapped around its waist. The rest of him is exposed, revealing bright green flesh with scars packed on top of scars. Piercing black eyes size me up, as every brutal inch of him screams danger.
I tuck my head to my chest, adjusting my grip on the hilt of the two swords in my hands, then dart forward, running as fast as I can toward the creature. His leisurely pace picks up until he’s sprinting toward me. Jumping just before we clash, I slam my boots into his chest, knocking him backward with a sickening crack of bone. Ribs tear and protrude through his skin, as he folds in half, clutching his stomach. I don’t show mercy, nor do I waste a second before letting my swords bind into one. Weaving my fingers into his dark hair, I yank his head back at an unnatural angle and draw my sword across his throat. Blood splatters and spills from the wound as his body becomes limp, slumming forward.
He’s one of many as I work through the battlefield, chest heaving from the exertion, but the need to end this is all-consuming. It drives me through every swing of my sword and crippling blow. Finn continues to yank on my magic until finally, he comes into view.
I rush toward them as a man wearing a cloak wraps large hands around his throat, lifting Finn off the ground. His sword is gone. His skin is a dark crimson, almost purple as the man robs him of air. The hood of the figure falls back as he lifts Finn higher, and my heart slams to a stop in my chest.
The sounds fade into the distance as my legs move, creeping closer. The man looks too similar to not be Kai’s brother. They have the same jaw, the same lean muscular build, and dark wavy hair. Complete with striking amber eyes. Only his eyebrows are more prominent. His nose is a bit wider, and a gnarled scar runs down the right side of his face, like the tip of a blade carved through it.
Sliding my sword into my scabbard, I glance to where Kai beats his fists against a barrier that traps the remaining men, dooming us while protecting them. It’s the same magic Lucifer used to create the one around the prisoner world. I spot the Devil on his knees, palms to the sky, as he watches the nightmare unfold. Expressionless.
He knows if he lets Kai go, his sons will clash, and likely only one will survive it. The other would end up in pieces. Lucifer has chosen to protect Kai and let Finn die at the hands of his brother. And possibly me, too.
It should be an impossible choice for any parent to have to choose between their children, but he did. Yet, he’s the reason Asmodeus is here, fighting on this battlefield. Why the fuck would he not come fight him again? He’s the one who locked him away before, and from what I understand, he’s the only one capable of stopping him, short of Kai.
Short of me.
Lucifer catches my stare and nods his head. A subtle movement, but it carries so much meaning. He wants me to stop it. Perhaps he believes I’m the only one capable, seeing as I’m the only one who can use this damn sword.
A few feet away, I swing my arms out wide and skid to a stop. I drop down on a knee and clap my hands together. Power bursts forth, slamming into Finn and Asmodeus, and knocking them down to the ground. Their bodies slide a few feet before the friction stops them. Finn’s out cold, but the hooded man slowly pushes up to his feet, locking one amber and one alabaster eye on me.
Looks like whatever sliced through him not only left him with a scar but blinded him too. Trying to hide the shake in my hands, I stand, striding forward with sure steps. His eyes rake over me as a sinister smirk tilts his lips.
“If you’re going to be an asshat. The least you can do is fight someone your own size,” I say, narrowing my eyes into slits as if the look alone could maim him.
He chuckles, tossing his head back like he’s ready to divulge in some evil scheme. “You must be Alice… I’ve heard plenty about you.” His eyes flick up to where Kai is.
I don’t need to look to know he’s gone maniacal. I can hear him yelling from within the barrier, along with the pulsing beats that boom through the clearing as he tosses his power at it. Kai won’t break through, though, not without his father dropping it. That sort of magic has held monsters for centuries. It’s withstood torture and beatings no single person could ever endure.
“Good. This should be easy, then.” I jut my chin up as he snorts. We move into a circling pattern, neither of us stilling long enough for the other to gain ground.
“Where’s your crown, Princess?”
Why does everyone ask that?It’s like no one can respect a lady for who she is without a damn title to her name. I straighten my shoulders. “Where’s your dick?… Looks like we’re both lacking.”
His eyes darken as inky lines splay across his cheeks and brow bones. He yanks at the tie around his throat, holding the cloak on, and sucks in a breath. Dark wisps ripple from his hands and travel up his arms until they look as if soot and smoke have gathered there. Muscles flex across his scarred, bare chest, forming an image of a man who’s fought like hell to survive.
“Oh,”I say, letting my eyes wander. “Dinner and show.”
His face falls as raw, unchecked power reaches out, slithering over my flesh.Testingme. Haunting eyes stare into me, and his hands flex into tight fists as if he’d rather have those puppies wrapped around my frail throat. I shiver as his magic slips down my spine, invading my space and fucking with my head. It’s like this is a goddamn game to him.
“Careful,Princess,” he says as he stops his pacing and turns to face me. “Keep teasing me and I might let you live, just so I can ruin you.” His pupils blow as he lowers his head.
“Is this a proposal? You really should’ve brought flowers.” I stretch my arms out wide, pulling at the ground and siphoning power from the dead. I slam my palms down and erupt with hellfire. It swirls up my arms and through my hair. I let the darkness in, feeling my eyes change. I let it consume me from the inside out until power beats against everything in my vicinity.
“Full of surprises,” he says, smiling with his eyes as if he approves. Power hums in my blood, burning through my veins like venom, demanding to be released. He steps toward me, shrugging his shoulders, and a sword made of hell flame blazes to life in his hand.
“Alice, run!”Kai’s voice blares through my head.“Don’t do this!”
There’s a reason for his concern. I’ve never been able to outsmart or beat him when it comes to combat, and now I’m about to go toe to toe with Hell’s most wanted. A man who has all the same tricks, armed with more experience, and a rage fueling his fire unlike any I’ve ever seen. But it’s too late to run. The monster is already in the ring, and the buzzer has gone off.