Page 68 of Crown of Ashes
“What are you thinking about?” he asks, searching my face.
“Are you really going to contest the court to become king?”
His head tips, cocking slowly to the side as if he’s analyzing every emotion that’s running through the bond between us. “Yes. It’s best if I wait for the Elves to arrive, though. That way, everyone will be present.”
Curiosity rises inside of me—hiscuriosity. I bite my lip, knowing I still need to go after Finn, and that he’ll be pissed the moment I do. My finger spins the engagement ring around my finger. Maybe it’s for the best, though. As much as I love him, I see it…all of it.Hell needs a new true king, and the perfect man for the job is standing right in front of me. Just sadly, according to this world and the opinions of the men who matter on the council, I’m not the perfect woman to stand beside him… to be his queen. Especially not after what I plan to do.
They want someone quiet, loving, and who will fall in line with whatever her husband says. They want someone like his mother, who can play the part. Someone who smiles and waves while the man with an iron grip on her heart rules the kingdom. That’s simply not me. I have opinions and I will not look the other way or sit on my hands because a man told me no. At the end of the day, I’m going to put my friends and family first, just as he’ll put his kingdom before everything else.
Soulmates as we may be, we both have our roles to play, but mine doesn’t revolve around wearing his mother’s crown and curtsying to the lords as they walk past. I’ve seen a glimpse of my future and it doesn’t involve yellow flowers and choosing which silk tablecloths to use on Christmas.
“You’ll be a wonderful king, my love. You’re exactly who Hell needs.” Lifting on my tiptoes, I kiss him deeply, not giving a single fuck about who’s watching. I need him to get lost in it, to forget why he’s rooting for the meaning of my emotions, and with the way my head is swimming, it’s working.
When he finally pulls away, his forehead rests against mine, and dark amber eyes stare into my being as if he can see straight through my facade. “You’re not going to tell me what you’re planning, are you?”
“No.” My fingers lace into his dark wavy hair and my thumb strokes over the curve of his cheekbone. “If I did, we wouldn’t get to enjoy this moment.”
“Fine. Then we can call a truce until morning. You hold off on whatever you have cooking up inside that beautiful head of yours, and…”
I smirk, sliding my hand down to slip my thumb across his full bottom lip. “What is it? What could the future king of Hell possibly want in return?” I don’t intend for my voice to hold a teasing ring to it, but his eyes flutter before turning back to me and butterflies spin through the bond.
“What’s the stone for?” he asks, dropping his eyes to the dragon pendant around my neck. “Tell me that, and we’ll have a truce.”
I drop my hands, glancing down at the pendant and back at him. “It’s a bloodstone. I’ve been using it to help with the power surges. That’s how I managed it before you could…” I trail off, realizing I fed into his suspicion the moment unease swims through me.
“Did Finn know?” he reaches up to touch it, taking it from my hands and sliding large fingertips across the smooth marbled surface.
“Inadvertently. He told me of their power and how witches used them to store magic. He didn’t know I was habitually using one, though.”
Kai doesn’t say anything as he lets it drop back against my chest and slides his hands around my waist. Moving me in small circles, we sway to the music as others twirl around us. He grabs my hand, spinning me out and twirling my body back against his chest.
“I think it’s time for a drink, don’t you?”
“What? No quirky comment? You’re taking this truce thing seriously, aren’t you?” He brushes my hair to the side and kisses the crook of my neck. It’s simple yet sends shivers down my spine.
“I’m always serious when it comes to you. I don’t like breaking promises and I might be bound to protect you by all means necessary, but it doesn’t mean I don’t crave to see you smile and yearn to hear you laugh.”
I chuckle as he pinches my side, arching my body away from it. Emotion rolls through the bond, forcing me to suck in a breath to keep upright.
“I wish I could give you everything you want, whenever you want it,” he continues, ghosting fingertips up my arms. “Sadly, some things are larger than me or you. Still, if I make a promise, I will do my best to keep it.”
Kai steps around me, taking my hands in his and backing off the dance floor. He leads me toward the stairs, speaking as we climb the spiral to the top floor of the pub. “So, sure. I know you’ll go after Finn, and I’ll try to stop you in order to keep you safe. Just as I know that when I drag your sweet ass back to the castle, you’ll give me hell every step of the way.”
We reach the top and instead of heading toward the bar near the entrance, he pulls me into one of the VIP rooms and shuts the door, flipping the lock. Lanterns bloom, casting a faint orange glow around the room. It’s dark, mostly, except for the crimson couch and ottoman in the middle of the space and a whimsical bar made from a tree trunk on the far wall. He grabs an amber bottle of whiskey and pulls the cork with his teeth, then takes a long sip.
The whiskey here is strong, and certainly an acquired taste. I doubt this pub will be the exception. Still, Kai doesn’t grimace as the burning liquid seeps down his throat. He just continues to close the space between us with slow, measured steps.
“Believe it or not, your stubbornness is one of the many things I love about you. It’s also the same thing that drives me mad most days… and why you’ll make an incredible queen.”
My head jerks as I tear my gaze away from the bottle in his hand and meet flaming amber eyes. “I’m not sure your people agree. Neither does your council.”
“They don’t have to. They’re not marrying you.” Kai tucks my hair behind my ear, leaning in close until his lips are an inch from mine. “I am.” His lips press against mine as scents storm my nose, tempting me. Sandalwood and whiskey, along with a metallic tinge from the bloodied paint on our bodies. Goosebumps sweep across my flesh, rising in droves.
He breaks the kiss and pushes away, moving to sit on the couch. His arm drapes across the back and his legs spread wide. “If you ask me, I think you’ll inspire little girls across our realm, and even our own children one day…” My heart leaps in my chest, and my lips part at the mention of himwantingkids. We haven’t talked about that. I guess part of me settled on the fact it wasn’t in my future to be a mom one day, not with what we are. I wouldn’t want to bring children into a world that won’t accept them, but I suppose after Michael… Maybe that’s an option.Maybe.
Kai chuckles, his lips twisting into a wicked grin. “Relax, Alice. I wasn’t implying anything by that. Are you always this on edge?”
I cast my eyes away, biting my lip. I’m not sure how shifters handle this sort of connection… Sure, it might make them closer, but how do you keep your reactions in check? It’s not hard to hide your reactions externally, but internally?Fuck… My feet haven’t moved from the spot he left me near the door. Turning my attention back to the couch, I find it empty, but before I can question it, strong arms wrap around my middle and I’m swept into his arms.