Page 2 of Goddess of the Broken
She gave her head a shake., “Currently, I’m nobody. I was on my way to Brado for a fresh start when I stumbled upon you.”
She squirmed under his unwavering gaze, questioning why he made her nervous. She was a goddess, for crying out loud! There was no reason to feel uneasy about any mortal.
Deciding enough was enough, Tempest rose to her feet and crossed her arms. “Who exactly are you, and why were you dumped out here in the desert to die?”
“It’s your choice to answer or not, but know that I will leave you here unconscious and lost if you refuse. You will be on your own to find your way back.”
His eyes widened. “You would do that?”
Afraid her bluff would be evident if she spoke, she only nodded.
“I don’t know by whom, but I assume I was attacked and left for dead because of my position in the kingdom.”
“Are you a noble or someone close to the emperor?”
“You could say that.”
Tempests raised a brow and shifted to one side. “That wasn’t an answer. Who. Are. You?”
He shifted his feet and squared off in a surprisingly imposing stance. “I am Aiden Theopilus, ruler of the Bodian Empire.”
Her heart sunk like a heavy stone in an ocean. This was bad. Very, very bad. The only mortals the gods ever thought worthy of their time were nobles and royalty, and they watched them closely. She needed to run.
Afraid her fear would be easily read on her face, Tempest turned and began the slippery climb up a sand dune. She took several deep breaths in an attempt to settle herself, hoping her exertion would shroud the action should he notice it.
“Where are you going?” Aiden demanded.
“I told you,” she barked, refusing to look back. “I’m heading to Brado.”
“I need to get back to Monstrap. You said you would take me.”
She rubbed her chest to ease tightness that became worse with every step.
“Technically, I said I would help you find your way back, not that I would personally take you there. We can reach Brado by nightfall. Find food, drink, and possibly a bed to sleep in. Monstrap is a three-day walk that way.” Tempest pointed to her left. “It’s your decision which way you go, but I’m going to sleep with a full stomach tonight.”
A dusting of sand blew past her on the wind from Aiden’s frustrated kick before he began following her. She smirked, knowing she’d won this round.
The clenching in her chest calmed but didn’t recede. Curious, she slowed down to allow Aiden to catch up. As she suspected, she felt less tension as the distance between them shortened. Whatever game Fate was playing, it did not make Tempest happy.
“Are you a priestess?” Aiden asked as they reached the top of the dune.
“No.” She shot him a look, raising her brow. “Why would you think that?”
“You healed me. Not just treated my wounds, but actually healed me. That’s something only those blessed by the gods can do.”
She snorted. “Trust me, the gods wouldn’t choose me to bestow their gifts upon. Eshum prefers more humble and obedient followers to carry out his work.”
“Not a fan of the god of health, I take it?”
“You could say that.”
Tempest reached out and caught Aiden as his legs gave out under him, preventing him from tumbling down the side of the dune. Pulling him back to his feet, she held onto his arm until he was steady.
“You’ve got to be more careful. I basically just pulled you back from the gates of Toph. I doubt I could heal you again if you broke your neck because you pushed yourself too hard, too fast.”
Aiden yanked his harm from her grip. “Got it. Wouldn’t want you to exert yourself.”