Page 10 of A Sassy Christmas
Two Weeks Before Christmas
“Oooh, look at you all fancy,” Kate said when Angel stripped off her coat after walking into Murphy’s Meals, where their friend Maria was a manager. She wasn’t working tonight, but she’d suggested the place and reserved the private room for them.
“You saw me in a corset last week.” Angel laughed, draping her coat over her arm.
“Yeah, but that’s Stronghold where there’s a dress code. This is totally different.”
Kate’s compliment made her flush with pleasure. She’d dressed up tonight in a blue sweater with rhinestones all over the top, one she’d bought right before getting pregnant and hadn’t worn since then. She couldn’t wear it when she had Melody with her, worried the fake gems would be uncomfortable when the baby wanted to rest her head on Angel’s shoulder.
“Take the compliment.” Leigh gave Angel a look, taking off her own coat. She was wearing a green dress and brown leggings with brown boots. The bright color of the dress brought out the green in her eyes.
“You look gorgeous,” Sharon said, coming in behind Kate. They’d all arrived at the same time, though Angel and Leigh had taken a different car than Sharon and Kate. “Leigh’s right. Take the compliments! Own it! Work it!” Pelvic thrusts accompanied her last two statements, cracking them up while the young woman behind the host stand tried to pretend as though she wasn’t staring.
God, Angel had missed ladies’ nights.
Ten minutes later, she was in the thick of them in the private room, which also served as a wine cellar. Bottles lined the walls around them, making them functional and decorative. The pretty oak wood walls made for a rustic feel Angel found incredibly relaxing, as if she was in a cabin in the woods, far, far away from everything, with some of her favorite people.
Maybe they should try to plan a trip for Deep Creek sometime soon. Yeah, she and Adam would need to bring Melody, but on a trip like that, there would be plenty of people ready to take a turn with the baby.
“Ooh, what’s that? That looks delicious.” Lexie leaned closer to the appetizer their server had just put in front of Angel.
“Cheesesteak egg rolls. Want one? I’ll trade you for a cheese stick.” She’d had trouble choosing between the two options, so she’d happily trade.
“Woah, do not get between me and the cheese!” Hilary glared at Jessica, who was reaching over her to the middle of the table where the meat and cheese platter had been placed.
“Don’t get between me and the cheese!” Jessica shot back, making everyone else snicker.
“I’m pregnant! I get cheese dibs!” Hilary put her hand on her substantial baby bump, as if to drive the point home.
“I am too, you jerk, and you know it!” Jessica blinked, then cast a glance around. The table had gone silent, and the two food runners were frozen, one of them midway through putting Olivia’s appetizer in front of her as if they didn’t know what to do. “Uh… that’s not how I meant to announce that.”
It didn’t matter that all of them already knew. None of them were going to tell Jessica they’d figured it out weeks ago. Angel cheered along with the rest of her friends while Hilary laughed her ass off, and Ellie—who was sitting on the other side of Jessica—leaned in to give her a big hug. The curvy brunette was blushing beet red. The food runners put the plates they were holding down and fled, probably to talk about everything they’d overheard.
“I think we’re traumatizing your staff,” Sharon said apologetically to Maria, who laughed.
“Nah, you’re giving them good stories to tell. I can guarantee they’re back in the kitchen, talking about my crazy friends. The people who have seen you all before will tell them this is nothing.” Maria grinned as everyone started laughing again because it was so true.
This was hardly their first night out at Murphy’s, but it had been such a long time, some of the staff was new. Ah, well, they’d figure it out. Angel didn’t intend to let such a long time pass again between ladies’ nights.
Watching the soon-to-be fathers watching Melody like she was a ticking time bomb was Adam’s new favorite form of entertainment. Liam had never been particularly fazed, but he had more interactions with kids and babies thanks to his dojo. Not that he had classes for babies, but there was a room where parents could leave their kids while they took their classes.
As far as Adam could tell, Justin and Chris hadn’t been around babies other than Melody.
“Is that safe?” Chris asked worriedly as Melody crawled to the coffee table and pulled herself up.
“Yup. That’s what the little round things on the corners are for.”
“Yeah, but the actual table surface still has edges,” Chris pointed out, watching even more closely as Melody bounced up and down, gripping the edge he was so worried about.
Adam could commiserate. He hadn’t had any experience with babies before his own. He’d learned fast but envied the easy way Angel and her mom had handled Melody at first until he’d caught up.
“That’s how she learns.” Though when she let go of the edge and stood on her own, cocking her head at Chris as if she was thinking about taking a step toward him, Adam automatically leaned forward. She still hadn’t taken her first unsupported step yet, and she had a tendency to tip over when she tried.