Page 13 of A Sassy Christmas
“We’re spending the night,” he confirmed, grinning widely, letting her infectious enthusiasm spread to him. Now that he knew she liked the surprise—and his knees no longer felt like they might give out at any moment—it was easy to join in her happiness.
Angel cheered, hugging him again, and he had to laugh. Damn, this felt good. Surprising her. Having a night to themselves. When was the last time he’d planned something for them?
Probably around the last time she’d planned a ladies’ night for herself—way too long.
Time with a baby flew fast, and so many pieces of their lives before the baby had been dropped or put aside along the way. All he wanted for Christmas this year was to reassemble those pieces but into a new picture—one that made as much space for him and Angel as it did for Melody. There needed to be balance in the force.
Dressed up in the sexy little black dress Adam had packed for her, Angel was surprised by his choice. It was more date-night than kink-night. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but she’d expected something with more leather.
Still, the dress was pretty easy to access. Low cut in the front to show off her boobs, with a band under her breasts to help give them a little support, and a flirty skirt she knew he loved to slide up her thighs. If she’d been picking an outfit for a sexy date night, this would have been the dress she’d chosen for herself. For Stronghold, she normally wore corsets… but Marquis was a different experience than Stronghold.
One she was very excited to experience.
The main room of Marquis was set up like a theater in the round with a circular stage in the center. Booths hugged the walls, also set up in a circle, with various doors between them leading to the backstage areas, the lobby, and the hall, where the themed hotel rooms were and where she and Adam would stay the night.
She still had no idea how he got the room, but she detected the meddling fingers of friends in their unexpected reservation. They really had the best friends.
Cuddled up with Adam in one of the half-circle booths, looking out onto the stage, she rubbed her stomach. Eating dessert might have been a little too much, but the food had been so good. Marquis was one of the hottest restaurants in the city on the first floor, with the majority of the patrons unaware of the kinky second floor.
The lights dimmed, indicating the show was about to start, and Adam’s arm tightened around her.
“Who’s on tonight?” she whispered, realizing she hadn’t asked.
“Mitch and Domi. It’s their first show.”
Angel straightened, now even more interested. Her friends had kept her well-apprised of the gossip.
Master Mitch was a fun-loving Dom who could go from class clown to serious sadist in the blink of an eye. She’d had a soft spot for him, out of all of Olivia’s first class of “Baby Doms.” Not that any of the men from that class could be called that anymore. They’d all come into their own. Mitch had been a commitment-phobe to rival Andrew until he and Domi had struck up a ‘friends with benefits’ deal.
What really interested her was Domi—a single mom who had joined Stronghold and gone through the new submissives class at Marquis. Maybe Domi hadn’t been like Angel. Maybe she’d been horny and ready to go six weeks after giving birth… but she was a single mom. As hard as everything had been after Melody was born, Angel could only imagine it would have been so much harder without Adam.
She had no idea how involved the father was or any of Domi’s other circumstances, but she felt inspired knowing the single mom had not only searched out Stronghold after having a kid but was now secure enough in both her submission and her current relationship to do a public scene at Marquis. Of course, there were public scenes at Stronghold where people came and went, but that differed from putting on a show where every eye in the room was watching you.
The lights dimmed farther, then went dark. There was the faint sound of squeaking wheels, and a little rush went through Angel. She’d been heavily involved in community theater before they got married, something else she hadn’t done much of since meeting Adam. That wasn’t his fault. Going to Stronghold and hanging out with her friends there had made it harder to want to fill up her weekends with productions.
The little rush that came just before the show started, yeah, she’d missed that. She didn’t realize she was holding her breath until it released in a rush when the lights came up on Domi and Mitch in the center of the stage.
Domi was chained to a square frame in the middle of the stage, completely naked with her curls hanging around her shoulders. She was very petite, so rather than chaining her arms to the corners, her wrists were together, making it appear she was hanging by them at the center of the frame. Her legs, however, were spread as wide as they could be, more chains linked between the frame and the cuffs on her ankles. With Mitch walking around her, a flogger in one hand, she looked especially small and vulnerable.
Walking up behind her, he grabbed a fistful of her curls and pulled them back, his blond head bending down to whisper something in her ear before placing a kiss on her throat. Angel wriggled, watching them. The connection between them, even though they were just getting started, was beautiful.
Taking a step away, Mitch reached into his pocket and pulled out two small silver clamps. It only took him a few moments to adorn Domi’s nipples, the clamps glinting in the stage lights, then he moved back behind her. Her front happened to be facing Angel and Adam, so when the first blow landed, they could see her expression, the way her body bowed, thrusting her small breasts forward.
Mitch’s flow with the flogger was swift and sure, whipping around in a figure eight over Domi’s upper back and buttocks, causing her to squirm against her bonds. Angel’s breath was picking up in time with Domi’s, and she pressed her thighs together. Feeling Adam’s fingers stroking down her arm to her thigh, she whimpered a little, wriggling as he tugged on the skirt of her dress, sliding it up her skin inch by inch.
Leaning against him, Angel moved her own hand up and over his cock, which was rigidly hard. Adam muttered something under his breath, but she didn’t hear him as Domi let out a loud cry, her body jerking. Mitch had added a new landing spot for the flogger—right between Domi’s legs.
Pussy clenching in sympathy, Angel’s breath hitched, and she shuddered as Adam’s fingers traced little patterns over her thigh.
Holy hell, this was hot.