Page 109 of Veiled in Shadow
They both laugh and my stomach twists again. I know my family is brutal, but after spending time with the Ganivets, this feels far worse than it ever has. “I was wrong, Corvus,” Darym says. “Itisnice to see you after all.”
“As much as I’d love to stay here and catch up, I don’t have time for this. Take me to her cell.”
“Of course,” Elan says. “Welcome back, Corvus.”
I hate being stuck here, powerless.
I knew it would bother me to stay on the ship while Corvus and Zaire worked, but I didn’t realize how bad it would be. I can hear every little conversation as Corvus makes his way inside the Diavolo compound, picking up the tiniest conversations through our comm link. I hate the way they talk about Layla—like she’s nothing more than a commodity to be used.
I’m going to get her out of here, even if it kills me.
But it feels like I’m fucking useless as I listen in on their footsteps. I can make out Corvus’ steady, light steps, Zaire’s slight stagger as he plays the part of the prisoner. There are two other men with them, chatting like they’re old friends.
And theywill not shut up about Layla.
“You know what’s crazy?” one of the strangers—Elan, I think—says. “She’s on herfourthescape attempt. Puts up quite a fight for a female.”
My gut churns. This really is a horrible place for women.
I didn’t realize Corvus had tried to get his mother out, but I understand why.
“Don’t fucking talk about her that way,” Zaire snaps.
“Adorable how he thinks he’s going to have any sway over us,” the other man, Darym, says. “Soon, you’ll be our captive, too…though it remains to be seen how long the Family will keep you, given how you’ve betrayed us.”
“The Family sent me as breeding stock to an alien moon,” Zaire mutters. “You all should have known what you were getting into.”
“You outlived your usefulness,” Corvus says. “Get over it.”
His voice is cold and distant…but he hasn’t said anything about me, so I have to trust that he isn’t planning on betraying us. Not that I have a choice; I’m stuck here on this ship unless something goes very, very wrong.
I guess they’re taking Zaire straight to the prison, and my anticipation mounts as I listen to them all climb into an elevator. Layla is down there, waiting for us.
I hold my breath.
Then I hear a strange sound.
It isn’t on my comm; it’s right outside, actually. First a gentle brush of something against the hull of the ship, then a code being input to the door.
I climb back into the storage hold just as the door slides open, my heart pounding. We’ve prepared for this, of course, but I still don’t like the feeling of having to hide while the rest of my group is in danger. I tuck myself into a crate with a false bottom, pulling the panel silently over me so it looks like there’s nothing inside.
Then I wait as footsteps ring on the ship floor, two men coming in.
“Can’t believe he actually got Atlas en’Ganivet,” one of them says. “I didn’t think Corvus had it in him.”
“Corvus’ Gift isn’t strong, but it’s still there,” the other one says. “And he’s a devious bastard…which is why we’re here, after all.”
“You think he’s lying?”
“Of course I do. All he ever does is lie.”
I carefully control my breathing, making sure that the men outside can’t hear me. The space is cramped, but I’ve been through worse than this, so I can’t complain…plus, I don’t want them to capture me. It could put our whole plan in jeopardy.