Page 92 of Veiled in Shadow
I don’t know if I’m pleading for him to fuck me, or for him to help me.
Maybe both.
He comes closer, leans toward me, puts his hands on the arms of my chair. It forces me to cringe backward, his shield flickering blue and sharp.
“You make me weak, Penn,” he growls.
His words are at odds with the tone of his voice, the strength in it making me feel all kinds of things: scared, horny, a little bit of both. “I told you I’m not a threat,” I say.
“Everything about you is a threat,” he says. “Your beauty, your deception…the way you make me feel.”
“How’s that?” I breathe.
“Like I would burn down the world before I let anyone hurt you,” he says.
He pushes himself off the chair and stalks away, and it’s only then that I exhale. Atlas strokes his chin and paces in front of me, his hair getting messier by the second—like he’s crackling with static electricity.
“Well,” I say. “The good news is that I can take care of myself.”
“That’s not the problem,” he says. “I wasn’t supposed to like you, let alone…”
He trails off, and I grip my hands behind me. “Let alone what, Atlas?”
His back is to me, his muscles straining against the black t-shirt he’s wearing. I haven’t really noticed his outfit yet—a new pair of slacks from our rendezvous, a plain tee. He looks good in everything, I swear.
“Open your mouth,” he says.
I hear his zipper come down.
It immediately sends me back to that room, with its skylight and jewel tones…where he left me alone. I shudder, my breath coming out of me in one long sigh when he turns around with his cock gripped firmly in his hand. He strokes it up and down, light glimmering in his veins and making his silver heft pulse with color. My mouth practically waters at the sight of him, remembering how badly I wanted to be fucked and filled.
He looks over both shoulders before lowering his shield, but my heart skips a beat when he does, realizing that he means it this time. He locks eyes with me, coming closer. Goosebumps erupt all over my body, my hair standing on end at his proximity.
“Well?” he says. “You said you wanted to show me your loyalty. Soopen your fucking mouth.”
I do as he says, opening my mouth as wide as I can. He’s huge, but I know I can handle him; I want him badly enough that I would choke on his gorgeous cock all night if he asked me to. Atlas strokes himself again, and I can tell he’s steeling himself, even if he pretends he’s fine.
His cock hasn’t been touched by another person in a decade, if the rumors are all true.
I’m going to show him all that he’s been missing and more.
I keep my tongue pressed to the bottom of my mouth, my throat open. I think he’s going to fucking ravage me, just for the sake of getting it over with…but then he places a hand on top of my head, tangles his big fingers in my hair, and presses just the head past my lips and onto my waiting tongue.
I don’t move; I just let him feel the wet heat of my mouth. A bit of spit slides past my lips, and I let it fall, Atlas looking down with a look of pure bliss on his face as his chest heaves.
He pushes farther.
I let him in…deeper, deeper.
Until his cock presses against the back of my throat, until I’m choking on him.
My breath catches, my throat spasming, and Atlas groans slightly. He rolls his hips experimentally, and I taste pre-cum on the back of my tongue. He doesn’t quite taste like a human; there’s something muskier about him, and sweeter too, almost like the floral sweetness ofincarnet. I let out a needy, hungry whine at his flavor, daring to lick up his shaft as he pulls out.
“Good girl,” he rumbles. “Now suck on it.”
I wrap my lips around him right away, his girth making my jaw ache. His grip tightens in my hair and yanks hard, until he’s shoved himself inside me as far as he can go. He pulls out again, then pushes back, then out again…