Page 13 of Infernal Hunger
“Everything’s fine,” Malon says. He’s quick on his feet, clearly, much quicker than I am. “We’re just solving a tech issue here.”
The person on the other side of the door clearly doesn’t believe us. “Okay, well, don’t take too long,” she says.
“Stay here,” Mal says, pushing me softly onto the rolling chair that I’ve almost stumbled over. “If anyone comes in, just pretend you were working, okay?”
“On what?”
“Who cares? Jesus stuff, I guess,” he says. He turns on the fan, which whirs overhead as it comes to life. “We can’t let anyone come in here for a bit. The room smells like sex.”
I nod as I look up at him. “Got it,” I say. “But like, what do they care? Aren’t most of them demons?”
“Right, and what do you think will happen when they realize there’s an adversary here and you just had sex here? They’re going to call the police, and you might get put on a database.”
“What the fuck, Mal,” I say, my heart beating fast. “Why didn’t you stop me before we did anything stupid?”
He laughs. “Now that seems awfully counterproductive,” he says. “Why would I want to do that?”
“So that we dont get arrested?” I ask, waving my hands in front of my face. “You know what? Don't worry about it.”
“You’re mad,” he says.
“And you’re a genius,” I reply. “Do all demons have this sort of incredible deduction skills?”
He laughs. “You get so sarcastic when you’re mad,” he says. “It’s kind of sexy.”
“Stop. Stop being charming,” I say.
“Why? Is it making it hard to be mad at me?” he replies with a smirk. “I’m going to get out of here. You’re going to wait about five minutes, maybe ten if you can, then you’re also going to leave. Go into the bathroom immediately, okay? Lock yourself in a stall for another few minutes. If you can, make it look like you’ve been crying.”
“What? Why?”
“If people know we both came back here it’ll be easier to sell them the idea that we got into a fight,” he says. “But, you know, hopefully no one will ask anything.”
That isn’t that helpful. Before I can ask him any more questions, he slides out the door, closing it softly behind him. There’s no way I can ask him anything because his footsteps are receding, leaving me alone.
I take a second to think and as I do, I hear voices on the other side of the door.
Familiar voices.
I don’t like this at all, and my heart drops to my stomach as the voices get louder. This is not good.
I take a few steps forward, open the door and my breath catches in my throat.
I’m just trying to get out of the church by making sure that there is no one in the way when I spot the exorcists. I can easily pass as a normal person for the other demons and the people who have been possessed unless they’re paying attention, but the exorcists…there’s a stench to them.
And as soon as they walk into Blessing, almost everyone stops and stares at them. They immediately notice the shift in the energy in the room, but they aren’t going to just back away from the entrance, particularly when the priest’s gaze meets mine.
It makes my stomach twist.
I can’t exactly tell them that they need to get away from this place if I don’t want to call attention to myself. I don’t even know if they’re going to believe me. I speed up, trying to close the space between us so I can make sure that we’re dealing with this discreetly, but it’s pointless.
Misha, the demon hunter, is walking up to me with his hands in fists by his sides. I can see the anger written all over his face, but he’s obviously trying his best to keep it under wraps. He stops short of squaring up to me, his brow furrowed, his jaw square. “What did you do with her?”
“Nothing,” I reply. “She’s fine.”