Page 18 of Infernal Hunger
“Where are we going now?” she asks as we step outside. The sun is high up in the sky, the heat already drying off the water left on the concrete parking lot from the brief rain.
“Back to your apartment,” I say.
Misha glares at me. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Yes,” I reply. “I think Trine needs to pick up some of her things. Don’t you?”
Misha’s jaw hardens, but he knows better than to argue with me. “Whatever you say, doctor,” he says, his gaze flitting behind me. “You need to take Malon with you. If someone attacks us and they can read his mind, they’ll find out where Trine is. And he can help you protect her, right?”
He doesn’t sound convinced, but we can’t just leave Malon. I know Trine is going to be upset if we even try. I really don’t want to upset her more than she already is.
I turn my head back to look at Malon, who just shrugs his shoulders. “Sure,” he says. “Whatever you guys think is best.”
He must be really shaken after his encounter with the demon. He wasn’t nearly this easygoing before.
“Keys,” I say.
He throws them at me. I catch them midair as Trine breathes shakily into my chest.
“Thanks,” I say. “You’re sitting in the back. Text me where you are in a little while?”
“Yes,” Misha says. “As soon as we find a place to stay.
“Be careful, Rei,” Luke says, glaring at Malon.
Malon scoffs. “I’m not going to do anything.”
“Yeah, I’m not going to take your word for it,” I say. “Sorry, Trine.”
She looks up at me, then shakes her head softly. “I don’t care,” she says. “Just take me home.”
At that moment, nothing else matters.
So that’s exactly what I do. I take her home.
I’m lost.
I normally get some sort of answers from prayer, meditation, something. But I’ve had a hard time clearing my mind. I’ve had a hard time thinking about anything but Trine and how much she’s suffering.
There are ways in which I’m able to help her. She doesn’t want that. She doesn’t want my help.
She wants a demon’s help over mine. I’m not trying to be prideful but it’s hard not to let that sting. An exorcism is brutal–spiritually, physically, emotionally–it’s the reason so many people need to be involved. But when it’s necessary, it’s the only option.
But Trine has free will, and if she doesn’t want me to help her the only way I know how then it’s not my place to help her.
It’s my place to watch her sink.
I’ve seen people wither and wilt in front of me before. It’s part of my job.
I’ve never seen someone I care so deeply about go through this. I don’t think I’ve ever felt quite this helpless in my entire life.
Misha looks at me from the corner of his eye. I don’t like it when he worries about me. I don’t like it when he worries, full stop. He normally has his shit together.
“You think they’ll be okay?” he asks as he puts the car in gear.