Page 20 of Infernal Hunger
“You were a demon,” I say. “There was smoke coming out of your eyes. You looked like you were going to burst into flames at any moment. Well, it was you, but it wasn’t you. Like a demon version of you.”
He smiles at me. I think he’s going to make a joke, but he doesn’t. “How do we get rid of this, Luke?” he asks. The use of my first name is enough to make me worry, but the way he says it sends a shiver down my spine. “How do we help her? How do we stop it from getting to us?”
I sigh, my shoulders slumping. Uncertainty spreads through my chest, turning into deep, oppressive dread. “I don’t know,” I say.
“Shit,” he replies, in a whisper so quiet I’m sure he’s only talking to himself. “We’re so beyond fucked.”
Istand in the foyer of my apartment. Half of the things in the living room belong to me, but nothing looks familiar. My cat jumps off the couch and pads softly toward me. I kneel down so I can touch him, but he walks past, toward Malon. He tilts his furry little head up and hisses at him, baring his teeth when he does.
“Be nice to our guest, Dee Dee,” I say. “Please.”
Dee Dee is not nice to our guest. He looks like he’s about to pounce on Mal.
“It’s okay,” Mal says. “Animals don’t usually like me, but I’m used to it.”
Rei coughs. “My mom always says that animals can feel people’s souls.”
“Your mom sounds as smart as you,” Malon says, his voice tinted with mockery.
“Stop it,” I say. “Can you two stop fighting, please?”
Rei shrugs. Mal rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. “I didn’t start this.”
“No, but you know better,” I say, then turn to Rei. “And you…”
“I’m just saying. I’m team Dee Dee,” Rei says.
I smile as my cat seems to lose interest in Mal and walks softly toward Rei. He presses his body against Rei’s legs as Rei kneels down to stroke him on top of the head. Dee Dee meows, obviously content. “Oh, he’s such a good boy,” Rei says.
“He’s normally not this friendly with strangers,” I say.
“He probably missed you. I take it your roommate was taking care of him?”
“Yes,” I say. “She’s probably at work.”
“Do you want to call her?” Rei asks.
I shake my head. I don’t want to see Bryony. I’ve been avoiding my friends, mostly because I have no idea what to tell them. I know they’re going to be worried about me and I don’t know how to explain any of this.
Would they even believe me? I know I probably wouldn’t believe them.
I need to figure this out. Then, and only then, we can talk about it.
I hate how they seem to be walking on eggshells around me the few times that they’ve seen me. They’ve obviously heard about what happened with my mother and her husband. Everyone’s heard of it; it’s been impossible to miss. The tragic death of author Aura Dawes due to a gas line explosion isn’t big enough to make national news, but it’s making the rounds online and in state-related publications.
A lot of nice people have left kind sympathy comments online. I can’t bring myself to look at any of them.
I don’t want to see the pity written all over my friends’ faces. I know we have gigs coming up and they probably need to find someone to cover for me, but they’re still waiting to bring it up, and even that upsets me.
I wish they didn’t think I was going to break if they just talked to me.
I wish people would stop treating me like I’m made of porcelain, like I’m going to shatter just because they’re looking my way.
“Are you sure?” Rei asks. “It might be helpful if she’s here. She could help you pack.”
I hold my hand up. “No,” I say. “I just need to get a bag. Do you know how long we’ll be away for?”