Page 39 of Lyrics of Her
“I was going to order a pizza just before you got here, maybe watch some television.” He hesitates, glancing over my shoulder for a split second. Then his eyes are on me again. “You want to stick around and grab a bite with me? Maybe down another beer or two?”
He looks as surprised by his unexpected invitation as I am, as if he didn’t expect his night to play out this way either. But he also looks resolved in his decision and that damn crooked smile of his appears again.
“What do you have on your pizza?” I ask warily. If he says mushrooms and olives, I’m totally out of here. I’m a meat-lovers kinda gal, through and through. Give me sausage any day. Wait, that didn’t come out right.
“Pepperoni, onions, shitload of mozzarella.”
I run my fingers through my hair, contemplating the offer. I’m reluctant to stay, but I’m just as hesitant to go.
On one hand, Reed’s apartment is toasty warm, comfortable, and he’s having pizza for dinner. On the other hand, my apartment is freezing cold and I have three-day old-bread in the cupboard with nothing to put on it other than peanut butter that may or may not have passed its expiry date a few months back.
“Did you already have plans for tonight?” he asks, stepping closer to me. He cocks his head to one side, letting his hair fall in his face. “Tell me the truth, Tink?”
“No,” I reply, glumly. “Not unless you call waxing your legs,plans.”
“Oh, man, now you’re just teasing me,” he says, closing his eyes, running his tongue over that stupid silver ring in his lip. “What else do you wax? Everything? Nothing? Oh god, please tell me or I’ll be awake all night thinking about the possibilities.”
“That’s none of your business!” I roll my eyes, slapping his chest as I push past him, making my escape back out into the safety of the hallway. “Why did you pierce your lip?” I scoff, derisive as hell. “It looks stupid.”
“Cut to the chase, Tink.”
“Doesn’t it get in the way?”
“Get in the way of what?”
Damn.I walked right into that one, didn’t I?
“Of, you know… the obvious.”
Could I blush any brighter? My face is so hot now it feels like it’s made of some kind of combustible material.
“You’ll have to be more specific. Are you asking if my lip ring gets in the way when I’m kissing a girl, or when I’m going down on her?”
Mortified is not strong enough a word. “What iswrongwith you?”
Stepping closer, his fingers brush against my hip, just a touch, but that touch sends shockwaves throughout my entire body. I know he’s doing it deliberately. Every movement this man makes is calculated, on purpose. His fingers skate across the waistband of my jeans and then he takes my wrist in his hand, gently caressing my skin.
“I’ve never had any complaints in either department. I could give you a demonstration if you don’t believe me.”
The silence of the apartment does nothing to swallow my breath of surprise at his touch. Desire, hot and heavy, pools in my lower belly.
“What are you doing?” I take a deep breath when his fingers gently squeeze mine. His hand is enormous. And his skin is so, so warm, encouraging my words to come out in a breathy whisper. “Why do I get the feeling this is going somewhere it shouldn’t?”
I’m embarrassingly wet between my legs.
He lets out a little laugh and strokes my cheek with his other hand. “Why shouldn’t it?”
“You know why, Reed.”
Looking down at me, his lips part softly, and then he leans in slowly like he’s about to show me what he can do with that lip ring of his.
But I shake my head and skirt around him quickly.
“You’re killing me here, Tink,” he says with a short, exasperated laugh. He smiles at me, walking past me in the direction of the living room. “Stay for a while. Come on, it’ll be fun. I’ll order pizza, and there’s a series on Netflix I’ve been dying to watch. Quinn says it’s really good. You want to watch it with me?”
“Only if you promise there’ll be no more of…that,” I say, vaguely gesturing around me. “You need to behave.”
“I will. I promise.”