Page 43 of Lyrics of Her
“You know damn well what I’m talking about. I come over here to go through some songs with you, and what do I find? This. Here –” he says, thrusting the sign-in sheet from downstairs in my face. “Have you lost your fucking mind?”
Glancing quickly at the sheet, I see Brinley’s name written in pretty cursive script on the line right above Quinn’s name.
Fuck. He knows.
“Don’t worry about it.” My voice is void of any emotion, like frozen ice that refuses to melt. “I know what I’m doing.”
His eyes grow wide, his mouth hanging open. “You have. You’ve lost your fucking mind. I knew the day would come, I just didn’t think it would happen like this!”
He storms across the room, standing in front of the windows with his hands knotted tightly in his hair. After a few deep breaths that make his shoulders rise and fall dramatically, he turns and looks at me. “Did you sleep with her?”
I smile, mostly because I know it will really piss him off.
“Answer me!”
“But you’re planning on it?”
“You know me too well.”
“Jesus, Reed,” he grumbles, running his fingers through his short beard. He paces back and forth across the living room before coming to stand in front of me again. “Why would you do this? What do you hope to achieve by spending time with this girl? She’s not going to fall for your kinky shit. Honestly, dude, what exactly are you hoping to achieve?”
“She’ll love it. Wait and see.”
“She’s not like the others, Reed.”
I flinch, take a step back. “How the hell do you know?”
“Because the women you fuck are into the same shit as you. They like that sort of thing. They want you to do those things to them, and they give as good as they get. You don’t know anything about this girl, other than the fact that she’s made allegations against you, and…” He suddenly stops talking, and his head jerks back on his shoulders. “Holy shit, is that it? Is that what this is all about?”
I shake my head angrily. “Mind your own business.”
“You’re hoping she won’t proceed with any sort of legal action if you fuck her brains out with whatever sick contraptions you have hidden away in your closet. I thought we were past all this shit after the whole Shayna debacle?”
“Shayna knew what she was doing.”
“She broke her wrist!”
“After begging me to chain her up and make her come three times, thank you very much. Wasn’t my fault she can’t take instructions. I told her to take her weight off the shackles, but she panicked and bent back the wrong way.”
He drops his head, laughing, but it’s a laugh saturated with frustration and mockery. “Can you hear yourself right now?”
My head is throbbing, and I rub my temples with my fingers. “It’ll be different with this one. I have a plan, and yeah, you’re right about her hopefully not making a case against me.” I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water at the sink. My throat is dry and tight as hell. “I’m just going to play with her a while, and see what happens. Maybe teach her a lesson?”
“Teach her a lesson? What does that even mean?”
“Leave it alone, man. Go home.”
“Someone’s going to get hurt,” he says, eyes wide, banging his fist hard on the back of the couch. “And whether you believe it or not, I don’t want thatsomeoneto be you.”
“I’m not the one who’s going to get hurt, Quinn.” I take a quick sip of water before tossing the rest down the sink. I watch it disappear, swirling down the drain. “I can’t say the same for Brinley. But let’s just wait and see, shall we?”
Quinn sighs with exasperation. “Fine. Play it your way, man. What do I care?” He throws his hands up in the air, watching me walk down the hallway to the bathroom. “But if this blows up in your face, you’ll have no one to blame but yourself. Lies of omission are still lies, Reed. Just think about the ending. Promise me that?”
“Trust me, man,” I say before closing the bathroom door in his face. “The ending is all I’m thinking about.”