Page 63 of Mercy Me
Flick shook her head. “I have older brothers and tons of cousins. I can fight back.”
“If I’m doing this then you’re coming to the damn class. That’s non-negotiable,” Kai said, and Flick heard the commanding officer in his voice. Ooh, she could imagine him going all military in the bedroom, and damn, that was super exciting.
“God, don’t look at me like that,” Kai groaned.
Flick dropped her eyes and saw the telltale bulge in his pants. Flick deliberately touched the tip of her tongue to her top lip. “Looking at you how?”
“Like you want to lick me from head to toe.”
Oh, my. Yeah, she could imagine doing that. In fact, she wanted to do that. As soon as freaking possible. This rock was looking better and better... except that they could hear the low rumblings of people on the trail below, they’d be with them in a minute or two.
“Hold that thought,” Kai told her, resting his hands on her knees and leaning into her to drop a hard, promise-filled kiss on her lips. Flick ran her finger up the ridge in his pants.
“I intend to,” Flick replied as Kai groaned. “I have every intention of driving you crazy with nothing more than my tongue and my teeth.”
Flick laughed when Kai’s mouth dropped open in lust-tainted shock. She smiled. “I’d sit down quickly unless you want to show the people coming up the path exactly how long six inches is.”
“Seven.” Kai dropped to the rock next to her and lifted his shoulders at the roll of her eyes. “What?”
“You measured it?” Flick hissed as the approaching voices got louder.
“Don’t all guys?”
Flick gripped the bridge of her nose and shook her head. “Men are weird.”
“You have no idea,” Kai placed his hand on the back of her neck as a couple appeared on the trail. “Hi, folks. Nice day for a walk.”
Chapter Twelve
CaswallawnPR:As a community service, Caswallawn will be providing self-defense classes for women. Come and learn how to protect yourself. Wednesday, 6PM, Caswallawn gym. Ten places only, so register on our website. First come, first serve.
BoredWife: Thanks Caswallawn! Thoroughly overexcited.
Flick stood by the window of Gina’s hospital room and waited for the nurse to finish taking Gina’s blood pressure. Hurry up and get on with it, she thought.I have stuff to do, a house to sort out, a man who was cooking me supper, and who would, before, during, or after supper, or any combination thereof, kiss her into a coma.
Flick couldn’t wait to see Kai, but neither could she delay this conversation with Gina. Living with someone who refused to interact with her was dancing on her last nerve, and something needed to change. Immediately.
The nurse looked towards her. “Will the other Miss Sturgiss be joining you? Pippa?”
She didn’t have a clue. “I’m not sure.”
Gina’s sharp eyes narrowed in speculation. Huh. So Pippa hadn’t told her mom about their big blowout. Well, she wouldn’t be the blabbermouth in the room either.
“Mrs. Sturgiss will be transferred to the patient recovery retreat in the next few weeks. As you know, she needs intensive physiotherapy and additional care.” The nurse looked down at her clipboard. “I have been asked to please request that one of you contact the accounts office—there seems to be a tiny confusion with payment.”
Oh,shit.Flick nodded. “Certainly.”
When the nurse left Flick scowled at her aunt. “A problem with payment? I thought that you had medical insurance and it would covered the treatment costs.”
Gina stared down at her feet, refusing to meet Flick’s eyes. “I cashed them in. There was an estate sale...”
“Dear God.” Flick shoved her fingers into her hair and pulled. “So there’s no money to pay for all of this?”
“There was some money.” Gina protested, then shrugged. “I guess it’s finished now...”
“Good guess.” Flick placed her hands on the bed and stared at her aunt. Gina wasn’t meeting her eyes and she wished she could grab her chin and make her. “This is crazy Gina. Why?”
“I’ve always liked pretty things,” Gina protested.