Page 17 of Limitless: Encore
Fear pierces my heart, which leads me to uncharacteristically overshare. “Did she say something to you? Because she’s the one who won’t set the date, not me.”
“She’s dealing with some health stuff, Fee.” Ronni touches her arm.
“Oh, God.” Fiona’s eyes widen with horror.
Now all eyes are on me just as Alex walks up with Lena in her arms. “What’s going on?”
“I’m not sure.” I feel utterly and totally exposed. Alex and I do not air our business to people. I mean, she talks to Zoey of course, but I have literally no idea what Fee and Ronni know, or what Alex has confided in them about her upcoming doctor visit.
“Are you okay, honey?” Fiona tentatively touches Alex’s shoulder.
Alex’s eyes catch mine. “Um, yeah?”
“I think I said something I shouldn’t have.” Ronni winces. “I didn’t know you were keeping the situation private. I’m so sorry.”
Now I’m confused. “What situation is that?”
Alex grips my wrist. “All of the girls were talking about my doctor visit this week. Fee, to catch you up, I’m having abnormal cramping and Jace and I are going to a specialist so I can hopefully get to the bottom of it this week.” She’s talking to the group but looking at me. “Basically, we’re both tired of playing Internet doctor. It’s scary out there.”
I suck in a breath. It’s kinda freaking me out that she’s sharing our private business with our friends. Growing up with a father whose moves were scrutinized at every turn, I learned to keep my family shit tight. I’m not going to make a scene here at the wedding, however. “I didn’t realize we were sharing yet, Poppy.” I wince before I can control my reaction.
“C’mon Jace. Lighten up. Female-related health issues have been a taboo subject for too long,” Ronni scolds. “It’s important we share these experiences. Keeping things like this secret isnotokay. Did you know that the percentage of money spent on research into women’s reproductive health is astonishingly low? You have a daughter. Think about it.”
Zane’s and Connor’s expressions are priceless. Utter and total discomfort. Connor has a weird smile pasted on his face. Zane’s looking around the room for an escape route. Fee high-fives Ronni.
As for me, I feel a bit attacked because I know these statistics. I’ve done my research. It’s just that…Alex’s situation is personal to us. I’m frustrated that everyone seems to now know our business when we really aren’t entirely sure what’s up yet.
I’m about to speak up when Alex rests her head on my arm and loops her hand around my elbow. “Jace isn’t the bad guy here, Ronni. He’s done more to help me than I’ve done to help myself. While I appreciate what you’re saying, we’ll make the best decision for ourselves. I’m happy to share what’s going on, but our solution is not up for group discussion or debate.”
Mic drop. Courtesy: my badass fairy ninja.
“Maybe let’s lighten the mood and play some music?” Zane asks hopefully.
Connor nods enthusiastically. “Aye. Let’s.”
So, we manage to spend the rest of Ty and Zoey’s wedding as it should be.
Full of love. Laughter. Family. Music, of course.
After witnessing her ability to not only diffuse the uncomfortable situation but defend me in the process, I realize now, more than ever, Alex is so completely and utterly perfect just the way she is. I’ll do anything to keep her safe. Healthy.
As far as our wedding goes? Yeah, well. I’m going to convince Alex to pick a path after we figure out what’s wrong.
Because once we get this thing resolved, everything will fall back into place.
Of that, I’ve never been more certain.
This is seriously the last place on earth I want to be today.
I try to concentrate on my reward. Lena’s first Christmas season. After I’m done, we’re taking Lena to visit Santa. Lunch at The Metropolitan Grill. A nap in our room at the Four Seasons. Later, the tree-lighting ceremony at Macy’s complete with carousel ride and treats.
It’s also our first Christmas as a family, after all. I want it to be special. Create our own traditions.
For now, she’s with my mom while I wait to get poked and prodded again by my new specialist. Hopefully, I can get to the bottom of this bullshit pain and rid myself of it forever.
“You tired?” Jace takes my hand and places it on his thigh when I rest my head on his shoulder.
“Uh, yeah. I appreciate you getting us a private appointment so no one else is here, but did we have to be here at seven in the morning?” I yawn, making a point of whooshing out a big gust of breath.