Page 38 of Limitless: Encore
“We’ll be fine. It’s us. LTZ forever.” Zane throws his fist in the air.
All of us chuckle and halfheartedly throw our fists in the air too. More in a mocking way than a brotherly way. I mean, Zane is truly something else.
“Are we all up for a quick trip to LA to meet with Isis?” I throw it out there. “I don’t want to decide this via Zoom. I need the vibe.”
Everyone nods. “Absolutely,” Zane and Ty say in unison.
Zane adds, “Let’s take the jet at the end of the week. They’re chomping at the bit to work with us. I want to get this sorted before Katherine gets wind of us leaving. Even if we’re parting ways, let’s do it professionally. For all of the bad things that went down, there was way more positivity.”
With the future of LTZ nearly buttoned up, we take five until we’re ready to go through the set. Ty works on the set list. Zane pops in to check on Fee. Connor’s on the phone to Ronni. I’m about to call Alex when my phone lights up with her call coming in.
I pick up. “Hey, how’s everything going in there?”
“Seems like everything is under control. Fee and her team have been working on it for a month. Fermenting this. Aging that. It’s like clockwork. The menu looks amazing.” Alex’s voice sounds a bit muffled.
“Where are you?”
“I’m in the ladies’ room, the coverage isn’t great. I wasn’t sure if it was cool for me to come in there.” She’s nearly whispering. “I have news.”
“Tell me, we’re about to start sound check.”
“I’m pregnant. I took four tests this morning. We just need to cross our fingers.” Her enthusiasm is not contained, even though she’s being super quiet. “I’m going to have to tell the girls, I won’t be able to drink all the wine tonight.”
I’m so excited. And so scared. “Come over here and watch. I want to kiss the fuck out of you.”
“We can make out later, it would be weird for me to leave. Fee’s got us all set up at a table, we’re just waiting for Zoey.”
When the call ends, I feel pretty fucking awesome. Maybe all I needed was a little stability. The band seems to be on track. God, if Alex can get through the first trimester, we might even be adding to our family.
Connor’s motioning to me to get up on stage. “You’ll wanna have a look at your kit.”
I salute him and examine the drum setup. It’s not right. My long-time tech left to tour with a pop singer, so I’m down a crew member. Which sucks ass. It’s down to me to make the necessary adjustments to my gear. “Well, this feels like déjà vu,” I mutter to myself, recalling our last show at this club before we had roadies.
“Fucking diva.” Zane chuckles, but gives me a hand until Pokey, his loyal guitar tech, waves him over.
Connor emerges from the stage right with his bass slung low against his hips. He can barely contain his own excitement. “Hey, my brothers. Feels feckin’ good to be back up on stage, not gonna lie.”
Ty sits on the edge, still writing our set list. He looks as happy as I’ve ever seen him. He’s smiling like a lunatic. I can’t resist kneeling beside him and flicking his cheek. “What’s got you so happy?”
“Life, man.” Ty’s cheesy grin is almost off-putting. “It’s fucking awesome.”
Something about Ty’s demeanor sends prickles up my neck. A weird feeling comes over me. Anxiousness, maybe. I try to mask it and be supportive. “Yeah, sure is. Hey, you forgot to includeButterfly, we should play that tonight.”
Ty nods. “Yeah. We should.” He scribbles it down as encore. “Good?”
“Yep.” I return to the rear of the stage to finish setting up my drums and try to get the gnawing feeling of doom out of my mind. I adjust my stool, clack my sticks together, and beat out a rhythm toDown.
Connor plucks a scale of low bass notes. Zane joins in on guitar. Everything clicks into place when Ty grabs the microphone, taps it and shouts through the PA, “We’re fucking back, my brothers.”
“Feckin right we are,” Connor answers.
For a musician, very little is better than performing. We run through our entire set to an audience of Ty’s foundation kids. When we stop, all of usknowthat our magic is still intact.
LTZ is back, I’m going to be a father again, and I couldn’t be happier. Carter shows up and he, Zane, and Ty disappear into the dressing room. While we wait for them to finish whatever it is they’re doing, Connor and I sit on the edge of the stage talking to the musicians in the room.
We’re interrupted by a loud crash in the dressing room, followed by the type of yelling and screaming I’ve never heard before. It sounds like the room is being destroyed. Connor and I look at each other in panic, jump off the stage and run toward the dressing room.
“Pokey, keep everyone out,” I scream over my shoulder. “And no fucking pictures or videos, I mean it. If I find out anyone here posts anything on social, you will never be associated with LTZ ever again.”