Page 42 of Limitless: Encore
I know that this is going to get leaked no matter what we do. As fucking usual, it’s up to me to do some damage control for Ty’s bullshit.
The three of us go back into the fated dressing room for some privacy to come up with a game plan.
“I think it’s best if I go to Fee.” Ronni kisses Connor. “After all her hard work, the night is ruined. Everything she planned is ruined. Someone needs to be there for her.”
“I wish Alex had thought of that instead of chasing after Zoey,” I grumble after she disappears through a skinny door I hadn’t noticed before.
Connor shakes his finger at me. “Ack. No, Jace. Alex and Zoey have been friends since they were wee lasses. She did the right thing to be by her side. Don’t make this situation worse by taking it out on her.”
“Aren’t you furious?” I throw my hands up.
He peers down at me. “Aye, I’m furious at what happened to the band and the night in general. But we don’t have any further insight, do we?”
“I have an idea.” I shake my head. “More of the same. Maybe this is all for the best. I don’t want to do this anymore.”
Connor turns over a couple of the chairs so we can sit. “Jace, my brother. You’ve lived a privileged life. As have I. There’s a lot about Tyson’s past that I relate to, though. We both had to grow up too soon and support our families because of addiction. It fucks with you. I’m not excusing him, but Ty’s a gentle soul. I’ve never seen him like that. Ever. Let’s at least try to remain neutral until we know more. All of us need to stick together.”
“With all due respect, you heard him. LTZ is through. He killed our band, Connor.” I punch my fist into my hand.
“Aye. So it seems.” He stands. “But before all of this happened, he looked happy. Genuinely happy. So, I’m going to reserve judgement. I’ll get the crew to start loading up the gear. I’m sure we can get Ty’s foundation kids to clean up a bit. I just want to take some of the burden off Zane and Fiona. They’re going to have a lot to deal with.”
I take a deep breath and look at the man who’s been like a brother to me since I was a teenager and he was dating my sister. “You’re a stand-up man, Connor. A caring man. I’ll do my part too, I’ll call Katherine. She’s still officially our manager. I’ll even sort out social media. Draft a press statement. All the usual damage control.”
“Right. Let’s reconvene in a bit.” He salutes me before heading back into the main room.
Surveying the mess in the dressing room, I decide to ignore it for now. I’m fully immersed in my tasks when a text from Alex comes through.
Poppy: Zoey’s resting. The baby’s fine. I’m taking an Uber back as soon as her folks get here. Lena’s staying overnight with Mom.
Jace: Okay. Sorry for being an asshole. I know why you left. I was just worried about our own baby.
Poppy: I know. I’m fine, though.
Jace: Stress is not good for you, Poppy.
Poppy: Obviously. But I knew I’d be stressed if I didn’t go with her. Can you trust me to take care of this baby? Please?
Jace: It’s not about trust. I’m just pissed that we’re in this situation. Again.
Poppy: Okay. I get it. What is going on there?
Jace: Fee’s devastated. Ronni’s with her. I don’t know anything else. The police are wrapping up here. Connor’s overseeing getting the gear loaded up and the showroom cleaned up.
Poppy: I’m going to see if I can find Zane before I come back and find out how Carter’s doing.
Jace: That would be awesome.
Poppy: I love you, drummer boy.
Jace: I love you too, doesn’t look like drumming is in my future though.
Poppy: Be there soon.
I finish with my task list, satisfied that I’ve done all I can do. I go to find Connor. Everything is packed and put away. Most everyone has left except our crew.
“Ronni says Fiona hasn’t heard from Zane. The staff is cleaning everything up. Are you hungry? There’s a shit-ton of food that’s going to spoil if it’s not eaten.” Connor motions to the crew. “I say, let’s bring them over. Try to salvage their evening at the very least. When will they get a meal like this otherwise?”
It’s the best idea, considering. Connor and I lock the doors and bring Pokey, Rex, Angus, and Kimora, The Mission’s sound tech, through the dressing room door into Gus. We weave our way through the dish pit to the dining room where Fee, Ronni, and her restaurant staff are plating the food.