Page 76 of Of Mist and Shadow
In that amount of time, the storms could do so much damage, the entire kingdom would be left in ruins. More ruins than it already was. Any human and fae left alive in this part of the world…would be gone. A shudder went through me.
“I don’t understand how they’re doing all this. Your powers are beyond anything I’ve ever seen. You’re theMist King, for light’s sake, and—”
“My entire kingdom is likely under attack right now. The people I love are in danger, and I am forced to sit here and listen to you call me the bloody Mist King. Maybe the gods really are punishing me. Because I can’t think of a single worse thing than that.”
Tears sprang into my eyes from the harshness of his words. Growling, I shoved up from the chair, my body trembling. “You know what? That’s fine. I don’t want to be stuck here with you, either. Just sit here and mope all day and night for all care. It’s been a long fucking day. My ass hurts and so does my back. I’m going to find a room where I can get some sleep.Away from you.”
Kalen couldn’t even be bothered to spare me a glance. Throwing up my hands, I stalked across the Great Hall to leave him to it. For a few days, it had felt as if I’d started to matter to him. Me, the tool for his revenge, the creature who didn’t measure up. For a moment, it had seemed he cared.
Now, it was clear that had been nothing but a ruse. A way to mold me into what he needed me to be. A strategy to get me to trust him. The trouble was, it had almost worked. I’d stopped seeing him as the bloody Mist King. He’d become Kalen to me. I never should have let down my guard around him.
I couldn’t trust anyone.
Brushing away angry tears, I wandered the halls in search of a room. I passed several, but I didn’t like any of the ones I found. They were all grand rooms, of course. Four-poster beds. Soft, lush carpets. All dark and cozy, hidden from the onslaught of the storm and Kalen’s harsh words. But they were all cold and lifeless, too. Every time I stepped through a door, a strange, unsettling sensation skittered down my spine—a warning that I should not be here.
In the end, I chose the room the furthest away from where Kalen was probably still sulking and scowling and grumbling about how annoying I was. I stayed on the fifth floor with him, however. As determined as I was to put some distance between us, I didn’t want to explore any more than I already had. A god was stuck here in this place. After seeing the look on Kalen’s face when I’d suggested we use that power, I did not think it was wise to wander far.
Still grumbling about Kalen, I flopped onto the bed and pulled his stupid cloak over me in search of some warmth. I didn’t dare get under the sheets. There was no telling how long it had been since they’d been washed.
Despite the surge of emotions rushing through me, it didn’t take long for my eyelids to grow thick and heavy. Exhaustion lulled me to sleep. It had been a very, very long few days.
* * *
Iawoke to the scent of fire on the wind. A star-studded sky filled my vision, a million little lights that twinkled against an inky tapestry overhead. For a moment, all I could do was stare up at them. It was a sight I’d always dreamt of, one I never thought I would have the chance to see. Beneath the vastness of the majestic sky, I felt so small. Such a tiny spark in an endless universe, but somehow, it filled me with hope. If something as breathtaking as the stars could exist, surely this world could be a better place.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Kalen asked from beside me.
Irritation flared in my gut. He was ruining the moment. “This is one of your stupid dreams, isn’t it?”
“How could it be anything else?” he asked, his voice just as laced with irritation as mine. “We’re trapped in a storm.”
“Go away.”
“I would if I could. I’m afraid this wasn’t my choice.”
I scowled. “And now you’re just lying. You’re the one who controls the dreams. Now, go away and leave me alone. Sleep is the only time I can escape you. Most of the time.”
“My powers are behaving strangely in this place. I don’t have any control over this.”
“Are you actually serious?” I frowned and glanced over to him. He didn’t look like someone who was joking. In fact, he just looked…tired. Weariness hung around his eyes in the form of purple shadows. A moment ago, he hadn’t looked like this. Fae never suffered like that. Their faces never showed their age or exhaustion. Their powers wiped all that away. Was this how he really felt inside? What he hid from the world? Or was it just the magic playing tricks on us both?
His jaw ticked. “I don’t want to be here any more than you do.”
“Wonderful,” I said flatly. “Time for me to wake myself up then.”
Anything to get away from him. I’d sleep some other time.
I tried to wake myself up. Obviously, nothing happened. There was one person who could control dreams, and it wasn’t me. He didn’t say a word as I growled and threw up my hands.
“Tell me how to wake up.”
“You can’t control it.”
“Canyouwake yourself up?”