Page 27 of The Mistress
Such as fuck Redding, and any suspicions the other man might have in regard to Grace’s whereabouts or anything else!
“You are such a good boy. Yes, you are.” Grace was completely unconcerned with how unladylike she must look sitting on the flagstone floor of the kitchen as she petted and cuddled the exuberant Finn. The little dog was just as ecstatic to be reunited with her.
She was dressed in one of the cotton-print day gowns James Stanley had expertly packed into the portmanteau for her, along with the necessary undergarments and shoes. There was also another gown for the evenings, plus a cloak and bonnet if Grace ventured outside. The man had even thought to pack several brushes and combs for styling her hair, along with perfumed soaps for her bath.
No doubt James Stanley’s expertise in knowing what to pack was due to the fact that he had once been valet to Alaric’s now-deceased friend, the Duke of Plymouth. Admittedly, his employer had been a gentleman, but no doubt Mr. Stanley had accompanied his employer to enough households to also know what a lady required for her comfort when away from home.
In any case, Grace was grateful to that gentleman for being so considerate.
As she was grateful to the housekeeper for making Finn so welcome. “Thank you so much for taking care of him for me.” She smiled warmly at the middle-aged lady.
Alaric had introduced the two women a few minutes ago, Mrs. Howell as his housekeeper, Grace only as Miss Grace Sunderland, without explanation as to who or what she was to him. Mrs. Howell, a plump lady who was perhaps aged in her midforties, gave no indication she was aware of that omission.
The older woman returned the warmth of Grace’s smile. “He hasn’t been a bit of trouble. To be honest, I’ve enjoyed his company,” she added wistfully.
“Mrs. Howell, you are more than welcome to have a dog of your own here if you wish it,” Alaric drawled as he stood across the kitchen, now fully dressed and leaning against one of the oak cupboards. “Or possibly a cat, if you would prefer that.”
The housekeeper’s cheeks reddened. “I wasn’t complaining, Your Grace.”
“I am aware of that,” Melborne reassured her lightly. “But I should have suggested it before now when you are here alone as much as you are.” He glanced at Grace. “I know how greatly Miss Sunderland appreciates the company of little Finn.”
Grace’s eyes narrowed at his implication the two of them must have been acquainted for some time for him to know that, rather than the few days it truthfully was.
A few days, moreover, in which Alaric had instructed the versatile Mr. Stanley to kidnap little Finn, with the intention of then charging to the dog’s rescue, and by doing so becoming a hero in Grace’s eyes.
She barely stopped herself from giving a derisive snort at the memory. A glance at Alaric and seeing the narrowing of his eyes told her he was well aware of her effort not to laugh.
“Is Mr. Stanley still here?” she prompted. “I should like to thank him too.” She had forgiven the man his part in Finn’s abduction, well aware it could not have been easy him to travel even this short distance on horseback carrying a small and squirming dog.
“I believe he has gone outside for a walk,” the housekeeper answered her. “He said something about not liking feeling enclosed inside,” she added with a frown.
“Mr. Stanley suffered greatly after being press-ganged aboard a French frigate following the battle of Waterloo,” Alaric explained. “Although I doubt he will thank me for telling you so,” he acknowledged with affection.
“That poor man,” Mrs. Howell sympathized. “I won’t say a word about it.”
“I know you won’t.” Alaric acknowledged. “But I wanted you to know his desire for fresh air is genuine. That he’s a good man.”
The housekeeper nodded. “I had already gathered as much.”
“Good.” Alaric ended the subject. “Perhaps we could go to the dining room for breakfast now?”
The housekeeper beamed. “Of course.”
Grace rose gracefully to her feet. “I think it best if I leave Finn in the kitchen while we eat.”
Her little dog was quick to pick up on her moods and react accordingly. While Grace would not altogether object to Finn taking a bite out of Melborne’s leg, she doubted the duke would be as appreciative.
Mrs. Howell turned to her employer. “Do you and Miss Sunderland intend to stay for some time? If so, perhaps I should ask some of the girls from the village to help out?”
Melborne nodded. “I think that would be for the best.”
Leaving Grace fully aware that he hadn’t answered the housekeeper’s first question as to how long they would be staying here.
That awareness, and all the other unanswered questions dancing around in Grace’s head, made it difficult for her to enjoy the delicious choice of breakfast foods Mrs. Howell had prepared for them.
“Is Mrs. Howell a widow?” Grace couldn’t resist asking softly a short time later, the housekeeper having left the room to go back to the kitchen to prepare a second pot of tea.