Page 41 of The Mistress
“Even though I appear to have a hellish temper when merely thinking of another man so much as looking at you?”
“Even then.” She chuckled.
“Even though I am not sure I would ever have been able to bow gracefully out of your life, had you decided you did not want me?” Alaric felt that honesty was a necessity.
She chuckled softly. “I believe we can guarantee we both knew that would not have been the case.”
“You really love me?” Alaric was afraid that he might only be dreaming Grace had said those words to him.
She gazed into his eyes. “I love you more than I believed it possible to love anyone.”
“Thank God!” Alaric crushed her against him as his arms tightened. “I love you, Grace.” He placed a hand beneath her chin and raised her face to his. “I love you so much, I cannot bear to let you out of my sight. These last four days and nights without you have been absolute hell.”
“Does that mean you would like us to marry sooner rather than later?” she teased.
“Flint and his bride are to be married in London next week. Perhaps if I were to ask Prinny for a special license, we could make it a double wedding?”
“Perhaps the duke and his bride might prefer not to share their wedding day?” Grace reasoned. “I also think my father might wish to perform the ceremony and George to escort me down the aisle.”
“Then your brother shall walk you down the aisle and your father shall marry us in the church here as soon as it can be arranged,” he instantly agreed.
“Will you always be this accommodating?”
“I should like to be, but you and I both know me well enough to know how doubtful that is,” he acknowledged dryly. “But I do promise never to dismiss or ignore your wishes.”
Grace’s eyes sparkled and shone as she began to laugh.
“My love?” Alaric voiced his concern when Grace continued to laugh until there were tears cascading down her cheeks.
“I am just so happy, Alaric.” She gripped the lapels of his jacket as she rose on tiptoe to place her lips against his. “I love you. I love you so much,” she murmured throatily.
As Alaric lowered his head to claim Grace’s lips with his own, he knew their love was all that did and would ever matter for the rest of their lives.
Three weeks later
Grace’s breath caught in her throat as she walked down the aisle of the church, as she had requested on the arm of her brother, toward the handsome man standing beside her father at the altar.
Alaric Fitzhugh Montgomery Montrose, the Duke of Melborne.
Her future husband.
As she was his future wife and duchess.
Already seated in the church were Alaric’s closest friends. James Stanley was also present. Seated at the front of the church was Lady Penelope Harper and her three children. Many of Grace’s father’s parishioners had also wished to be here to witness Grace’s fairy-tale wedding to her duke.
Grace no longer saw Alaric as that haughty and arrogant duke. He was simply Alaric, the man she loved with all her heart. A love that had only grown stronger and deeper during the past three weeks.
“You are the most beautiful woman in the world,” he murmured for her ears alone once George had stepped back and Grace stood at Alaric’s side.
“I believe you might be biased, my love,” Grace teased him as softly. Alaric had left her in absolutely no doubts of the depth of his love and desire for her since they had declared their love for each other.
Except, much to Grace’s frustration, Alaric had absolutely refused to consummate their relationship before their wedding.
Oh, they had given each other pleasure many times and as often as they had the opportunity to be alone, but Alaric was adamant Grace would be a virgin on their wedding night.
Which, thankfully, would be tonight.