Page 11 of The Widow
There was something about Elizabeth that hinted at a deep sensuality. A carefully guarded flame in the depths of those violet eyes which told himherresponse to physical pleasure would be completely genuine.
God—and the Ruthless Dukes—forgive him, but he couldn’t withstand the temptation of her a moment longer!
Elizabeth was taken completely by surprise when the duke, after uttering a low and pained groan, suddenly lowered his head so that his lips might take possession of hers.
She made no effort to pull away.
Not because his arms, so tight about her waist, prevented her from doing so.
Or because her knees felt so weak, she feared she might collapse completely if she attempted to move so much as an inch.
No, the reason Elizabeth remained a prisoner within Bristol’s arms, her face raised as she returned the passion of his lips against hers, was because shewantedhim to kiss her.
She had been wanting that, wantinghim, since the moment she saw him striding to her defense in the village earlier today.
His lips left hers to travel the length of her throat. “Dear God, Elizabeth,” he murmured throatily. “I have never before desired a woman with the same fierceness I now desire you.” He lifted his head, his hands cradling either side of her face as he gazed down at her with that unrestrained hunger gleaming in those pale green eyes. “Tell me you want me too,” he encouraged gruffly.
Elizabethdidwant him.
It had been ten months since Thomas’s death, even longer than that since they’d had sexual congress together. Thomas had returned from Waterloo injured and, on doctor’s orders, unable to withstand the rigors of lovemaking. Indeed, the day Thomas had ridden out on his favorite stallion, the doctor having now cleared him for all activities, would have been the first night the married couple had made love in an age. Instead, Thomas had been thrown from his horse and hit his head on a large rock, breaking his neck. The doctor said he would have died instantly.
Was it disrespectful to her husband’s memory that Elizabeth was now aroused and wanted Sterling Bishop, the Duke of Bristol?
She looked up at the duke searchingly, easily noting the fire burning in the depths of his pale eyes, his cheeks flushed, his lips parted and slightly swollen from their previous kiss.
“Yes,” she answered softly. “Yes, I want you.”
“Sterling. I wish you to call me Sterling,” he explained when she looked at him questioningly.
“I want you too, Sterling.” She said the name cautiously, never having dreamed she would ever share a single moment of intimacy with this haughtily aloof gentleman, let alone be invited to address him with such familiarity. “Sterling, Sterling, Sterling,” she repeated giddily, her hands resting on his broad shoulders as she stared up at him joyfully.
“Yes!” he grated with satisfaction before he once again claimed her lips with his own.
Sterling’s lips tasted, bit,devouredElizabeth’s with a fierceness of heat many would never guess lay hidden behind that cold exterior. That Elizabeth had initially doubted.
But she had seen it clearly this evening in the fire in Sterling’s gaze every time he so much as looked at her.
It was now pure ecstasy to be kissed and held after months of having shared no physical closeness, except hugs from Christopher. Especially so when it was with a man who was obviously experienced in the giving and taking of pleasure.
Sterling’s long fingers caressed the length of her spine as the two of them continued to kiss, igniting a desire that was centered at her core before flaring hotly through the rest of her body.
Elizabeth’s hands had moved up from Sterling’s shoulders to touch his hair, her fingers becoming entangled in the dark locks at his nape.
His breath was hot against her lips when he broke the kiss for a second time. “I want to make love to all of you, Elizabeth.”
She knew that, could feel the hard and pulsing heat of Sterling’s member pressing against her abdomen.
So much for her having assumed this man would be as cold in the bedchamber as he was out of it. She could see the depth of his passion for her, almost a living flame, in the depths of those pale green eyes and the flush in his hard cheeks.
But there was nothing either of them could do about that when they were standing in the middle of the formal dining room of Sterling’s home, with her father-in-law just feet away in another room within the same house.
“I want to release your breasts and suckle your nipples.” Sterling groaned his frustration with Elizabeth’s high-necked gown. “Throw up your skirts andfeaston the nectar between your thighs.” He raised a hand to cup one side of her face as he gazed at her searchingly. “Would you allow me to do that, Elizabeth? Would you permit me to touch and kiss you wherever I wished? Your breasts? Your cunny? Your bottom?”
“Yes,” she breathed with a longing to know the pleasure of every intimate caress and touch those questions suggested Sterling would enjoy sharing with her.
“When?” he demanded abruptly.