Page 15 of The Widow
She didn’t think any bones were broken, but the many bruises on her arms, torso, and legs had now turned from an initial deep red to a dark purple. Ironically, those bruises would have been so much worse if she hadn’t been wearing the long-sleeved gown.
The bruises had been inflicted on her when she tumbled over and over down the long staircase, hitting many of the stairs themselves as well as the banister beside them. Her head had struck the slate floor when she landed at the bottom, and the world had turned completely black.
Sometime during the night, she’d regained consciousness to find herself still lying at the bottom of the stairs in the cold and darkness, and in the sure knowledge her father-in-law had left her there. In all probability without even checking whether she still lived or had died. She had no doubt, given a choice, he was hoping for the latter.
Tears immediately scalded her eyes before falling hotly down her cheeks, and she cried the tears of self-pity she had previouslyrefused to shed regarding Whitlow’s cruel and callous behavior toward her since Thomas died.
Except crying hurt her even more than lying still. Nor were those tears of any assistance in solving the dilemma as to how she was to remove herself from the hallway before the servants began to move about, readying the house for when the earl came downstairs for his breakfast.
It was distressing enough that her father-in-law had left her like this without having to suffer there being any witnesses to her humiliation.
Elizabeth’s attempt to stand proved impossible when a sharp pain in her left ankle caused her legs to buckle beneath her. Instead, she managed to sit on her bottom and use her arms to drag herself slowly up each step.
Every inch of progress causing her excruciating pain, but she finally managed to reach the hallway above, and then crawled to her bedchamber. Once in her bedchamber, she was able to pull herself up and slide carefully beneath the covers before unconsciousness claimed her for a second time.
When she woke again, it was daylight, the bedchamber was frigidly cold, and a concerned Peggy was standing beside the bed wringing her hands in obvious indecision as to what she should do next.
Both women burst into floods of tears the moment their gazes met.
“How did this happen?” Peggy finally sniffled.
“I fell down the stairs.”
Her maid gasped. “You fell, or you was pushed?” she prompted shrewdly.
Elizabeth winced, even that tiny movement of her facial muscles causing her discomfort. “It was more a case of losing my balance after the earl punched me in the face.” There was no point in trying to cover up what Whitlow had done now that sheknew of his despicable behavior with Peggy. “The bastard left me lying there, not caring whether I lived or died,” she admitted.
The maid frowned her dismay. “However did you get back up the stairs?”
“Slowly and painfully,” Elizabeth acknowledged. “I am so sorry for what you have been made to suffer.” Her own physical bruises would fade, but she doubted Peggy would ever be able to forget what the earl had done to her this past year.
“He said he would hurt you or Christopher if I ever told you what he demanded of me or I dared to refuse him,” Peggy revealed shakily.
“You should have told me anyway.” Elizabeth tried not to sound as if she was being reproachful. “I would have at least done my best to help you find other employment.”
Peggy gave a fierce shake of her head. “I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving you and Christopher alone with that man. I was so worried about you last night after the earl told me you didn’t need me, that you had gone to the library to collect a book but would undress yourself when you came up to bed. I said I needed to check on you anyway, but he would have none of it. I had thought I might be able to come to you once the earl was asleep, but the devil locked the bedchamber door and put the key beneath his pillow.” She released an uneven breath. “He finally allowed me to leave a few minutes ago, and I came straight here.” Tears glistened in her eyes. “You might have died last night and no one the wiser!”
Elizabeth gave one of Peggy’s work-roughened hands a reassuring squeeze. “I am badly bruised, but I do not believe anything is broken.” It would be a miracle if it wasn’t. But Peggy was already distressed enough. There was no need to add to that suffering.
Elizabeth had always been grateful for Peggy’s genuine affection, knowing the young girl’s only family was an older brother, and he was currently in prison.
“How long…?” Elizabeth prompted huskily, devastated at now knowing the price the young girl had paid for her loyalty to her and Christopher.
A blush entered Peggy’s cheeks. “The first time was about eleven months ago. I was ever so relieved when we left London to come here three months ago. Then the earl joined us here last week, and it all started again.”
And Elizabeth hadn’t had so much as an inkling of what was happening to her young and pretty maid during the nighttime hours. If she had thought about it at all, she had presumed Peggy to be in her own bedchamber somewhere else in the house.
Peggy swallowed. “Usually he only wants me to…to suck his cock, but last night, it seemed as if he really was possessed by the devil. But it was nothing like what you’ve suffered,” she choked out emotionally. She looked at the bruises on Elizabeth’s face and neck, which was all that was visible when she still wore her gown as she lay beneath the bedcovers. “He truly is a monster.”
Elizabeth’s fingers tightened. “Did he hurt you last night?” She had seen the wildness in the earl’s eyes as he watched her fall down the stairs.
Peggy shook her head. “He was rougher than he’s ever been, but as long as I didn’t fight him, he was happy to take his own pleasure and then leave me be.”
Could it have been the book the earl looked through in the duke’s library that had so incited Whitlow’s libido the previous evening that he hadn’t even attempted to hide from Elizabeth that he was forcing himself on her young maid?
Elizabeth shook her head. “I do not believe I am capable of going anywhere for a day or two, but you must feel free to leave today, if you wish it.”
“I’m not going anywhere without you,” the younger woman stated firmly.