Page 28 of The Widow
“Here again already, Bristol?” Whitlow greeted him mockingly several hours later as he strode jauntily into the sitting room at Whitlow Grange, where Sterling stood looking out of one of the long windows into the garden. “Couldn’t stay away from my daughter-in-law a moment longer, hm? Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you”—there was not a trace of apology in the evil bastard’s voice—“but Elizabeth is still indisposed.”
Sterling drew in several controlling breaths before answering the other man. “On the contrary, Whitlow, I came here for the sole purpose of talking to you.” His fists were clenched at his sides in an effort to stop himself from turning this conversation into a physical one.
He should perhaps not have paid Whitlow a visit quite so soon as this, but instead allowed his temper to have calmed before doing so. Unfortunately, his need to distance himself from Elizabeth, and as a consequence, Bristol Manor, had made that decision for him.
“Really?” The older man looked surprised. “What can I do for you?”
Sterling stared at the earl for several moments longer. Inwardly, he was still coming to terms with the fact that this manhad been denying Elizabeth enough food for months. That two nights ago, he had allowed—as good as pushed—Elizabeth down a staircase after hitting her, and then left her lying at the bottom of the stairs while he went to bed to force himself on her young and pretty maid, as he had been doing for the past six months.
Sterling had known such despicable men existed, of course, but he had hoped never to be in the same room and breathe the same air as one.
His top lip curled back with distaste. “You can have one of the maids—preferably one you are not forcing your sexual attentions upon—pack up any items belonging to Elizabeth and her small entourage and have them brought over to Bristol Manor at the earliest opportunity.”
Whitlow’s face had grown redder and redder with each word Sterling spoke, until it now resembled the color of a beetroot. “How dare you—”
“How dareyoustand there behaving as if nothing untoward has happened!” Sterling thundered accusingly.
“Probably because it hasn’t.” Whitlow gave a grimace of contempt. “Cornwall has to be one of the most boring places on earth.”
Sterling eyed him coldly. “It is a pity you feel that way when it is one of the fewplaces on earthyou will be able to hide once I have returned to London and ensured all in Society have been informed of your behavior.”
Whitlow’s complexion had gone from the color of beetroot to a sickening gray. “Hide?” he repeated skeptically.
“I have no idea what you are talking about.”
Sterling breathed heavily through his nose. “Not only have you badly treated both Elizabeth and her maid, but it is obvious from your previous smug expression that you do not have the slightest idea that neither of those two ladies, nor Elizabeth’s sonand his nursemaid, are no longer resident in your household. I have taken one of your grooms into my employ too.” Young Jimmy was currently riding back to London on his way to delivering the letters Sterling had written last night.
“Elizabeth is upstairs—”
“She is with me, at Bristol Manor.” Sterling wished that were true, but he believed, after their earlier conversation, that Elizabeth would ensure they were never alone together again, let alone beintimate with each other.
The older man appeared disconcerted for several seconds before he gave a dismissive shake of his head. “Elizabeth would never dare to arouse my ire by doing such a thing.” He reached out to tug on the bell pull that would bring the butler into the room.
Sterling gave the older man a pitying glance. “I fear you are several hours too late to be able to check on the welfare of your daughter-in-law, if that is your intention.”
The earl turned to the butler as he quietly entered the room. “Go up to Lady Marshall’s rooms and tell her I require her presence downstairs. Immediately,” he added sharply.
Sterling waited until the butler had departed before continuing. “Elizabeth and her son and servants arrived at Bristol Manor during the night. She has since been examined by the local doctor, and he believes she is only severely bruised and there are no broken bones or internal injuries from her fall.” His jaw tightened. “But that is absolutely no thanks to you.”
“God, you’re such an arrogant prick,” Whitlow sneered. “Standing there, looking down your nose at me, when you’ve been lusting after Elizabeth like she’s a bitch in heat since the moment you first sniffed her.”
“I advise you to stop now,” Sterling cut in coldly. “Before I am forced to physically make you do so.” That the older man was correct in his crude summation did not lessen the needSterling felt to place his hands around the other man’s throat and squeeze the very life out of him.
Whitlow gave him a scornful glance. “IfElizabeth spent the night in your house, and I am still not convinced that is the case, then her reputation has been compromised. As a consequence, I will demand you make her an offer of marriage.” Triumph glittered briefly in the other man’s gaze.
“An offer she would refuse,” Sterling answered with certainty. “Elizabeth was forced to flee this household because ofyourcruelties to her. Abuse about which I have already written to the Prince Regent, explaining what Elizabeth suffered through. I have also informed several of my closest friends of the same. All of them dukes, all of them infinitely more powerful than you will ever be. Do not even think about intercepting my envoy,” he warned the moment he saw the calculating glitter appear in the earl’s gaze. “He left during the night and will reach London far ahead of you or anyone else you might care to send after him.” As an added precaution, Sterling had given Jimmy instructions of a route which was not usually frequented by other travelers to or from London.
“You— Yes?” Whitlow snapped at the butler as he returned to stand in the doorway.
“I have looked everywhere, my lord, but I cannot find Lady Marshall or Master Christopher, nor her maid and the nursemaid, anywhere in the house.”
“You fucking bastard!” the earl shouted fiercely.
“He is talking to me, not you,” Sterling reassured the obviously startled butler. “But I seriously suggest that you look into seeking employment elsewhere,” he added conversationally. “I advise all the servants here look for employment elsewhere, unless they wish it to be known they are working for a rapist and an attempted murderer.”
The butler looked even more stunned. “Your Grace?” he answered Sterling while giving the earl a sideways glance.