Page 101 of Resilient Queen
My throat bobbed, thick with saliva when she’d described how bad they’d looked. Her and Eli being there as the nurse removed the gauze to check that the bruising hadn’t worsened. His outburst last night not helping anything.
Garish and purple are the words she’d chosen.
Somehow despite all this, she’s convinced me to finally go. Reminding me with sad puppy-dog eyes that Cole wasn’t the only one in that car. Finn was injured in the accident as well.
I knew this trick because I’d used it on Alma thousands of times. I didn’t appreciate it being used back on me though.
Finn broke an arm. His side of the car was the one that had hit the pole when they’d swerved. Unfortunately, his dominant side taking most of the force. Smashing between the windshield and the door.
Hailey said he wouldn’t acknowledge the doubts about how this could affect his scholarship. Plastering on a smile about how he was going to have a shirt made that said, “Well played, gravity, well played.”
He’d downplayed the situation with humor, but I could tell in her own worries that he was also scared to admit the truth.
We all were. This crash could affect his career.His dream.
Reality had come down smashing it with a hardened fist. The vise grip in this case a sturdy piece of wood that now has more than a few missing splinters from around the base.
Cole’s precious silver-gray Ferrari on the other hand? Totaled.
“I can’t do this.”
Spinning on my heel, I ram right into Eli. His arms lock onto my shoulders automatically. Hailey lets out a small gasp beside him in surprise.
I blink, daring the moisture pooling around my bottom lash line to go away as my bottom lip starts to tremble.
My focus is on the exit behind his head.
“I can’t do it, Eli; I can’t see him like that. I can’t… don’t make me do it.” The words gurgle out on a strangled plea. “Not again.”
Desperate. I’m desperate.
He doesn’t give me what I want. He holds me stock-still in his embrace as more droplets of water form, but I never allow them to fall.
Eventually, when neither of us makes a move to give in, he shifts, bending down on an anguished sigh. Meeting me at eye level.
The entire time he’s patient—they both are, neither one pushing me toward the room but not letting me leave either. Detached from my body, that’s how this feels. Like the world has fallen beneath my feet and there’s nothing to catch me.
I’m unsure how long we stay like this. Could’ve been seconds, minutes… hours. I have no clue, and it should be worrisome how easily time slips.
Eli waits for me to meet his stare, but I refuse. Hadn’t my agreeing to come been enough? I’m here, that’s sufficient, right?
Somehow, he must sense my doubt, because his hold tightens to the point that it makes me flinch. I only understand after our eyes connect that it was intentional.
He’s finally gotten what he’s wanted all along. Me to focus, breathe.
“I know this is hard, Rory, but you’re strong. You’ve proven that time and time again with everything you’ve been through in life.” His eyes are hard, determined.
Tone so resolute, I want to crumble right here in his arms.
My chest rises and falls. The side of his mouth lifts into the smallest, saddest grin. “Be strong. Do it for them.” His voice tender but firm.
Letting go, he pads down the hallway saying everything he’s wanted. A dizzying wave of nausea sweeps over me. Eli’s leaving the decision up to me.
Alone I stay, Hailey following behind him with sad, hooded eyes.
I could take about ten steps and be in their room or I could turn the other way and be the same distance to the exit.
One meant opening myself up to more vulnerability and the other to freedom.