Page 116 of Resilient Queen
The gun cocks and bits of saliva fly from his mouth, spewing out more profanities. Her eyes are as empty as the darkness of the muzzle buried over his heart.
One small pull of the trigger, and Silas Kellet would cease to exist.
“You lied to me!”
“No, Silas,youlied tome,” she defends with a hiss.
It’s no longer us versus them, but Lorna against Silas.
“You promised me the world. Everything I could ever dream of. You lied and I fell for it.I”—she pushes the gun deeper—“believedyou.”
A more giving person would probably feel sympathy for Lorna, but after everything she’s done to me, I have nothing.
“I always put you first,” she demands futilely. “You admired me for it, because you loved having the oversight, the control.You manipulated me,” she snarls.
Even with his life in the very delicate state that it is, it’s obvious Silas would rather hold on to his pride than be talked down to. He doesn’t disagree, he doesn’t do anything.
And people wonder why Cole’s so headstrong.
It’s obvious Lorna loved Silas or at least she thought she had before today.
I understand this because Lillian carried a matching stance for Abram up until her death. The irony is both women's downfalls lay in their desperation to be loved, cherished… appreciated.
The difference? Abram, I believe, did care for Lillian, whereas Silas’s flaw is that he could never love anyone but himself. Not his dead wife, his son, and most definitely not her.
Lorna, unfortunately for her, understands this too late.
Her throat bobs up and down, still trying to deny what’s right in front of her. This man feels nothing toward her.
“I made sure you were taken care of, didn’t I?” Silas says, finally speaking up. “I made sure both you and Finn had a solid space to live, alife. Implied a way to set you both up for success, did I not?”
Abram’s head jumps, snapping back at the same time his one eye starts to twitch. Something bigger revealed in that statement than I fully understand the meaning behind. Silas’s tone is too accusatory for it not to be.
“You only wanted me close so that I would continue to do as you asked. Years I gave you,” she accuses. “Waiting because I thought you wanted me more than her, even after what she’d done to herself. Still, nothing, and I stayed, coming whenever you asked.”
Cole’s eyes blaze with quiet fury. She’s talking about Camellia.
“The entire time I let you have the upper hand, but I’m done. This…” She chokes down a noise. “You made me hurt my son.Ourson,” she emphasizes, hands trembling.
“You did that on your own. I never asked that of you.”
“I did that for us!” she screams.
Lorna shifts her stance, and her lip starts to wobble with a sad smile. It’s so naive it’s almost childlike.
“I did it so that we could finally have it all.” The volume of her voice shifts to a panicked whisper. Her emotions are switching as fast as the placement of the gun had earlier.
“I have it all,” Silas hollers right back, and it’s the wrong move.
The comment sets that hysteric meter of Lorna’s from hysterical to certifiable.
Silas’s neck straightens and his palms shoot up. Vile hatred spews from underneath her wetted lashes. I can’t tell if her tears are more out of fury or heartbreak. Both?
“Wrong,” Lorna says, twisting the barrel like she wishes it was a knife instead of a gun stabbing his heart. “You don’t have Hardin anymore, remember?” Her tone no longer carrying any remorse or sympathy towards the man.
In spite of everything going on around us, the only thing I’m grateful for is that Finn isn’t here to witness this. To hear the cruelness that’s being spewed. He doesn’t deserve it.
“And now, the only baby you ever loved, Hardin, is all gone.” The gun rotates towards the other Kellet in the room and my heart literally stops. “Guess you no longer serve a purpose either. Same as me,” Lorna bites out darkly.