Page 14 of Resilient Queen
In the entirety of my whole life, I’ve never regretted anything. Chalking any mistake up to a learning experience. This, however, is one thing I wish I could take back. Not because I now have another child on the way but because of how it was created.
I failed both Lillian and our unborn daughter.
“Your five minutes are up,” I bark, wanting her gone. But unfortunately, even if I fired her at this point, it would no longer be enough. She’s also carrying my child and therefore now will always be a feature in my life.
Her smile grows, slinking back down into the chair and my stomach revolts. All I feel is the wickedness of her soul.
She’s a poison and I have no elixir.
I could ask Silas what to do if I really wanted to. The thought crossing my mind quite a bit since I’d found out I was expecting not one but two children. Fromtwodifferent women.
For all his faults he had something I desperately needed right now. Foresight.
Then I remembered why I hadn’t reached out. For one, Silas loves desperation, thrives off it, and I could admit I was close, but not enough. Not yet at least.
Two, he has his own worries. Him expecting a child as well with his own wife. A son. His only a bit further along than ours.
Silas loves competition so I know in his twisted brain he’d assumed we’d gotten pregnant to spite him, but that’s not the truth. When Lillian told me, it was a complete surprise.
Something I didn’t realize how badly I wanted until she’d shown me that first sonogram a few months ago. Our child only a blip of something then.
“My lunch should be ready for you to go pick up.” A complete lie since I haven’t placed it yet, but I want her gone.
She crosses her legs, straightening out the already perfect hem of her skirt. The sigh that follows just as dramatic. “Not so fast. We need to discuss something else first.”
Lorna’s eyes are beady and too sharp.
Her smile that’s not really a smile, turns overly sweet the longer she gauges me not saying a thing. Dramatic in the most irritable way possible. I try not to read too much into what goes on inside that crooked brain of hers, but she makes it nearly impossible.
Lorna’s become more defiant since telling me the unexpected news. Does she think she can get away with whatever she wants because she’s got my child growing inside her?
Her grin grows more wicked as mine deepens, turning down in the other direction. That’s exactly what she thinks.
I snort, fat fucking chance. I’m still her boss and part owner of this company.
“Spit it out and then go grab my food.” That I’ll be ordering as soon as she stops looking at me like she knows something I don’t.
“What’s this?” she asks. Talon-like fingernails snatching at the item before I can reach it myself.
“Lorna.Lunch,” I grit out, even as she ignores me. Flipping through the pages of the book I’d gotten after dropping Lillian off. Making one other stop and heading back here.
Jittery. I’m jittery.
Her flipping stops, arching a curious brow, and I want to jump across the table. I know exactly what she’s just read. The inscription barely dried to the page before she’d found it.
This book is what I’d planned on proposing to Lillian with tonight, in her favorite place. Underneath the wall of glass and roses and every other type of flower she’d thought to add since I’d bought the place for her.
Her wonderland, she’d always tell me.
“For Lillian.” Lorna’s comment comes as a statement rather than a question. We both already knew the answer.
She snorts, and it sounds heinous. That inkling of jealousy back.
“Let me guess, it’s her birthday? Anniversary?” Straightening her spine, she snaps her fingers, getting into it now. “Or is this the way you’re going to break it to her that I’m having your baby too?”
I avoid giving her the extra attention she badly wants when she begins to rub her hand over her stomach, mocking. Her actions clear and without humiliation.
I could never be ashamed of Lillian.