Page 17 of Resilient Queen
My brain though is working fine and begins to ponder if he’s talking about Finn and me, or me and someone else. I already know the answer, but I bite my cheek refusing to believe it, after everything he’d put me through.
All the turmoil I’d been left with. Forced to grow up in and now he chooses to be vulnerable?
My jaw locks, my anger reigniting.
How dare he.
My chin jerks. “It wasn’t Lillian.”
I have no idea if that answer is obvious or not, but I say it anyway. I want Abram to know that she didn’t give it to me. I need him to understand that… for some reason. My head is a mess of chaos.
“I know.”
My brows snap together. The mix of surprise and confusion I know is evident in my every feature.
“I should get going,” somehow managing to get the words out. My stomach leaping from my ribs the longer the pressure builds, falling to my gut.
I’d gotten answers—well for the most part—but I’m ready to go. I don’t want to be in here anymore. It’s too heavy, tense. It’s making me uncomfortable.
It’s not until I’ve almost reached the exit does he call my name. Myfullname. Not Rory, but Aurora.
My hand rests on the knob, it sounds too formal, serious. I wait for him to continue instead of leaving like I originally planned.
“If I hold on to this, you have to promise me something.”
Unlikely, I think as I roll my eyes, not that he sees. He goes on, not expecting a response, as he should.
“Make sure that every flower inside that conservatory gets a fair shot. You don’t have to hover, just… it’s nice. You’ve done an amazing job in upkeeping the place.”
A warmness spreads inside. This is not at all what I expected to tumble from his lips.
“All I ask is that you continue maintaining its wonderland.”
That tingly sensation grows, and it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It starts from inside my chest and ignites to every other part of my body. Up past my throat, over my shoulders and down my arms, even past my toes, does it move.
I smirk. I like it, the name fitting.
Straightening, I stand taller as I leave.
He didn’t tell me everything and I’ll never understand why that is, but for some reason, that’s suddenly okay.
Maybe I don’t need to know it all. Sometimes all we need is a small amount, not the entire story. Especially if it’s not their story to tell.
The words Abram had written to my mother spring forward as they bounce off my thoughts. This chapter may be over but that doesn’t mean I’m finished.
That book helped me for years, it was a lifeline when I had none. I’m not that person anymore, I don’t need the constant security as when I first arrived.
I’ve always been in charge of the ending. I just didn’t understand how true those words were until this very moment.
My life has never been easy, but it’s made me what I am. Shown me what I can survive. Who I’ve become.
Wanttoknowwhatthe best feeling in the world is? Looking up and seeing those silver eyes shine only for me. Her smile grows the longer she grins down from her usual spot on the bleachers catching me. Sportingmyjersey on her back.