Page 21 of Resilient Queen
“Why? I want to make you feel good,” I argue.
Sure, Cole had gotten me off, but he hasn’t let me touch him since everything with Silas and Finn happened. Not once have we had sex since then. He’s touched me but not allowed himself the same generosity.
I know he loves me but more times than not, I see a hint of a shadow flash across his pupils, doubt maybe? That little seed pokes its way through my head and makes me question everything.
With all things considered it’s a weird scenario—for us all—I get it, but I never once doubted what we had. I wish I could say the same for him, but I can’t. Like everyone else, he won’t open up, instead choosing to distract me with the intenseness that is him.
And I let him every time because I love him, and I want this fixed. I want us good again.
Reaching behind my neck he arches my head up, kissing my forehead gently. Pulling away enough to speak, but not so I can see his expression.
It holds there a second longer than it should…
Then he does things like this. He looks down at me, one side of his mouth hooking upward. A glint in his eye. Telling me Cole Kellet always gets what he wants, and what he wants is me. Then I feel stupid for doubting him. Doubting us.
That saccharine grin grows, and I feel even worse. It’s all so confusing.
“If that’s the case then cancel any plans you have after school. I’m taking you home and we’re packing your things and leaving for the lake house. Tonight.”
He clicks his tongue. “I want to be alone with you. Just you and me. I think we’ve earned it.” Eyes dancing back and forth as they sparkle down at me.
The last part of his sentence is faint, and it sends chills raining down my spine.
Cole speaks again. This time his voice comes off a bit more strangled, only loud enough for me to hear the desperation in his tone. The need I’d been yearning to hear.
“Today will already be long enough after your little tease here in the hallway.”
Mytease? I want to roll my eyes, and so I do.
“I don’t think I can wait any longer. It’s been too long, and tomorrow is too far away. I need you coming while I’m buried deep inside you.”
My breathing shallows out when he pulls away. Giving me one last candid, mischievous grin before rounding the hallway.
Leaving me standing here frustrated but excited. A secret smirk crosses my lips. Cole always knows exactly what he’s doing, and tonight he’ll be doing me.
Walking away, he’s left me humming and desperate for him all over again. Tempting me with the promise of time for us to be alone. Enticing me by giving me a sneak preview of what’s to come, if I agree.
My chest heaves and I gulp past the fevered promise of his word. Cole’s too charming for his own good and I’m too far gone to relent.
He knew he had me. My decision was made long before he’d gotten me off in the hallway.
An irritated groan leaves my mouth, spotting the time on the clock mounted to the wall. This is going to be the longest day in history.
ThedrivetoIceman’slake house is far less confusing this time for several reasons. First, I wasn’t the one driving, listening to Hailey point out less-than-accurate directions. Second, there’s a bit of daylight left in the sky.
Cole drove us with ease. His hand firmly placed on the inner part of my thigh most of the trip while I stared out the window in a daze. My mind free to wander, enjoying the calm.
It was long ago, before I’d been forced back, I accepted that life is a clustered mess. Each new day as unpredictable as the one after. No one knows what the future holds. I appreciate what I have and am starting to learn to enjoy the ride.
So, that’s what I did, both metaphorically and literally by agreeing to come.
The trees wind in that familiar way as we zoom by, almost there. The sun pushing off our backs as we make our way closer through the less dense branches.