Page 76 of Resilient Queen
Montgomery? As in Madison’s father? As in the head of one of the largest bank branches in the country? The very same one that Hardin has holdings with?
I charge back through the door directly beside Silas’s, not bothering to hear the rest. I’ve heard everything I need to. My father wants something but for some reason, he isn’t getting entry.
My guess? He no longer can because we don’t have any shares in our name. We lost those. Either way, it doesn’t matter because whatever he wants, I want it first.
“Get up,” I bark, and Finn rises from his spot as if on autopilot to my command.
“Is everything alright?”
My senses are heightened, and my flesh tingles all over with awareness. I haven’t decided if it’s the good or bad kind yet, but I don’t get the chance to.
Silas Kellet has always thought he has some sort of one-up on everyone. Well, he’s not the only one who learned to run before he could walk.
I’m like a fuse to a bomb, I’m so amped up on adrenaline right now.
“We’re going to see Madison.”
“Tellmewhywe’redoing this again?”
I’ve already explained ittwice, but Finn seems to be having trouble comprehending the severity of this. Silas wants something and if he wants it, that means it’s important.
We can’t wait until tomorrow at school and hope to run into Madison. We need answers now and as much as it irks me to go about it this way, she’s the best shot we have.
Besides if we go directly to the source and by that, I mean her house there will be less prying, curious eyes lingering like if this was done at KPA.
My knuckles have turned white the longer I continue to grip the steering wheel.
Rolling my shoulders back, I enlighten him again. “Silas seemed positive about some sort of account.” Or file or stock. I’m not exactly sure about the specifics.
“So what? We’re going on a hunch?” Finn presses, flustered.
I can’t be mad at him because if I were in his shoes, I’d probably react similarly. Thisisa long shot.
“I can’t explain it, okay? I know there’s something here. Something we aren’t understanding.”
I know how I sound. I sound desperate but that’s how I feel. If Finn could have heard him on the phone, he’d understand better.
Silas isn’t someone who’s easily thrown down, but he seemed truly desperate back there.
I don’t turn my head, but I can feel his eyes on me. A thread of caution crosses his vocals as he speaks. “And you’re sure about this?”
My nods are clipped but definite and it’s all that’s needed because as soon as I do, I hear his breath of surrender.
The noise is so much more than that though. The anger that he’s been fighting for control over for so long vanishing like a solid weight of steel on his chest.
This was Finn letting go. Not holding on to this grudge against me or Abram. It’s him finally accepting everything for what it is, us blood related by technicality.
Words aren’t needed because I knew it with every fiber of my being to be true. Him tagging along, trusting me now even as he has his own reservations, that’s more than enough. It says he’ll have my back, same as before. Same as always.
That’s my friend and now…my brother.
A stab of relief I didn’t know I needed hits my heart. The tension of our reality gliding away as easily as my car’s tires roll along the Montgomerys’ paved driveway.
It’s as simple as that. Us being back to how things were before all this.