Page 79 of Resilient Queen
A nice bead of perspiration is starting to seep down my back.
“After last night and then the whole Madison thing with Cole and me going over to her house…” He shakes away the memory like it was a bad smell. “I decided it’s time for me to tell Dad I’m going to take the scholarship.”
Although I’m happy that he’s about to do this and that he’s using the term dad again—which I doubt he even notices—this clears up some of his edgy behavior.
The first part however is what’s got me stalling.
“Wait, what? Backtrack a bit.” I’m gonna need Finn to rewind. They went and saw Madison last night? Why?
“I want to play basketball,” he clarifies, not understanding that that’s not what I want an explanation on.
Why hasn’t Cole told me this? At the very least mentioned it in passing.
Finn’s a good fifteen feet ahead of me by this point, but that’s because I now also have my phone out and am texting Iceman. Sure, he’s here somewhere but I need him to know we need to talk.
I’m winded, but I push through as I multitask. In fact, it’s the shrill sound of my voice as it hitches in the air that has Finn glancing back over his shoulder.
“Why do you look like you’re about to keel over and die?”
“I dunno, Finn. The altitude?” I mock.
His eyes crinkle.
“Alright, time to use your big boy words and tell me what’s going on,” I wheeze. Sure, I texted Cole and hewillbe telling me himself later, but I need something now.
“You’ll find out in a few seconds,” he says dramatically. Swinging his arms in the direction of Abram’s office. Urging me to continue, he’s too caught up in his own mind to understand I was again referring to the whole Madison thing.
Plus, the added emphasis of the rotating his arm like he was winding up for a pitch an unnecessary addition.
“You know that’s not what I’m talking about.” More pressed to know about last night.
He scoffs, “It’s not that big of a deal, alright? Besides, it was basically a dead end but I’m sure Cole can tell you all about it.Later.”His agitation rolls, building like a tide of waves the longer I make him wait this out. “Now. Let’sgo.”
With no choice, seeing as I’m not getting my way, I follow. The one positive is at least his speed has nuked down a bit, giving my breath the chance to catch up.
The milky glass is on full display, meaning he’s in his office. Great for Finn because after a full day’s worth of classes, I think he’d combust if he had to wait any longer to share the news.
“I want to play basketball!”
No hesitation, no remorse. Just like that, he was all in.
Taking another step inside, his voice is calmer than the ricocheting sound of the door he shoved himself through.
Gulping, he says, “I got a scholarship and I’m going to take it. I want to play basketball. It’s my dream. My passion.”
“I’ll call you back,” Abram says numbly. Clicking end to whoever most definitely heard Finn’s declaration through the speaker.
His shoulders are squared. Eyes stern but drawn, staring down Abram at where he’s stuck, stunned to his seat.
My heart swells because even if for some bizarre reason Abram hadn’t heard him it’s hard to miss the bold confidence that’s bloomed in his resolve to share the news.
There’s an awkward silence. Finn’s heaves of air grow more sporadic the longer Abram doesn’t move, doesn’t shift, doesn’t do anything but watch him. I could be invisible, and I feel like I am.
I’m not sure what he’s looking for but if Abram’s eyeing him for doubts he won’t find any.
“I’m not going to complain, I admit I enjoy seeing both my children here…” There’s a but, there’s always a but. I can tell Finn senses it too, catching the small pause. “But…” There it is. “You have to be respectful, this is a business. Hardin is a company.”
My head shoots back. That’s not at all what I expected to come out of his mouth. Is Abram upset that we interrupted work? Pushing that over his own son’s happiness?