Page 82 of Resilient Queen
“You know what I mean,” he says, dismissing my apprehension. “Besides, you two are more alike than you realize.”
Finn sounds so positive that it’s hard to disagree and I find myself asking, “How so?”
“I meant what I said the other day. You would be the best person to run Hardin.”
There’s that swelling feeling that settles back again. I hate how matter of fact it comes off. It settles right between my ribs and those pulsating things underneath them.
“Do I need to remind you that I only work in the mail room?” Not that it matters because if there was a line, Finn would’ve already jumped it.
“Potato, tomato.”
I chuckle, rolling my eyes. As if that clarifies everything.
“You ready to go?”
“To go to another soul-sucking night of torture? Sure, why not?” he deadpans.
“It’s not that bad.” I nudge him as we make our way to the parking lot. “Besides.Youcould always talk to him. Try again?” Praying my words come off persuasive, I’m hopeful he’ll take my advice.
“Funny,” Madison’s voice falls in step with our strides, even though no one asked.
How does she do this appearing act so well? It’s like she has a gift for knowing when to be around when absolutely no one asks her to be.
Which to be fair is usually most of the time.
“That’s all Cole said he wanted from me the other night. Well, before he nearly took the door off its hinges, barging into my house,” she pivots snarky.
“That’s not how it went down, and you know it.” Finn refutes with a grunt.
“Guess you have a thing or two to teach your sister. Seems she doesn’t know what it takes to keep a hellhound sated and satisfied.”
“Gross,” Finn responds with a shiver.
Beaming, Madison smirks, unconcerned or offended. Her bitch mode a hundred-percent charged and active.
“Are you done? Or are you going to continue to throw yourself out to everyone and make yourself more willing and available than you already have?”
That look of Finn’s is telling, knowing of something somehow.
Before I can ask what, he’s snatching at the book that was pressed against my chest.
Flipping to a random page, he points, adding, “Yep, there it is. Next to Madison right here it says, desperate.”
I don’t bother trying to hide my laugh, because for one he’d taken my math book instead of a dictionary. Next, her expression has turned from confident to nuclear in less time than it takes for a grenade to go off.
The shrewd factor of her nasty odometer going berserk.
Her nose pinches like I’m a bad smell as I step into her. Lowering my voice because this is only for her. “Cole told meexactlywhy he came over and it had nothing to do with looking for a hookup. Stop kidding yourself.”
The color drains from her face and goes straight to her neck.
“He came to you because he was serious. He thought you could help.” I sneer and it’s as ruthless and spiteful as I feel. “But that would mean you actually have to care about someone other than yourself. That’s impossible though, isn’t it?”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” she threatens. Looking as if she’s on the verge of either clawing off my eyelids or slamming hers closed.
I don’t bother trying to figure out which.
She bares her teeth; guess she decided on the claws. “As your brother mentioned…” Her eyes momentarily flick back in his direction. “I already gave them my answer the other night.” Her tone carries a bite even as her chin starts to wobble.