Page 124 of Forsaken Royals
“And maybe some ways that we haven’t tried yet,” I added.
“We could even try for a baby, if you want.” Flint nipped the side of her neck. Arden was happy before, but hearing that made the excitement inside of her burst through our bond. “You like that idea?”
“I love it. Let’s go.” She stood, but paused. “Wait, I’m not strolling out there naked.”
“I’ll get you something to wear.” I got up, too, poking my head outside of the room and calling for an aide. She already had a dress in hand. Jagger really did have a bad habit. “Here, Kitten.”
She wiggled it on and slipped back into her heels, beaming and reaching for us. How was she so impossibly beautiful? And how had I lived my entire life with anyone else?
I wasn’t sure, but luckily, I’d never know what life without my mate was like again.
Four Years Later
It was quiet and peaceful in our quarters, something that I craved but never got. But now that I was a mother to three very rambunctious three-year-old girls, with a fourth on the way, silence wasn’t a good sign.
I stood faster than I should have, my center of gravity off from the swell of my belly. I steadied my hand on my desk. They had been right next to me, playing with their dolls and chattering away in their strange little triplet language that none of us could fully understand. How had the years disappeared just like that?
My heart pounded as I rushed around the room, my usual speed slowed from the baby.
“Girls?” I called out. “Aria? Mara? Louisa?”
I found them a moment later, giggling and hiding behind the couch together, almost in plain sight. I had to smile, even though I thought my heart was going to explode out of my chest. Having triplets was a beautiful coincidence—each of my mates was the father of one of them. But they were all fathers to them.
Each little girl took after her respective father, with a hint of my looks, too. Aria had Jagger’s dark hair and eyes, with my fair skin. Mara, named after my mother, took Lex’s olive-toned skin and curls. Louisa was the only one with my red hair, though she shared Flint’s pale blue eyes.
“Were you playing hide and seek without telling me?” I asked, tickling each of their tummies until they giggled. “You know you’re not supposed to do that without asking.”
“But it was fun.” Aria gave me an adorable smile that melted my heart every time, even though she’d definitely inherited Jagger’s wild streak.
“I know. I know.” I glanced at the time. I had to leave soon.
A gentle tap on the door echoed through the room right in time, and Raine stepped through the door. The girls squealed and ran toward her, arms out for hugs.
“Auntie Raine, do you want to play hide and seek with us?” Mara asked before Raine could get a word in edgewise.
“Of course.” Raine grinned. “Let me talk to your mom really quick, though.”
“Thanks for coming,” I said.
“It’s no problem at all. I love watching them.” She looked back at the girls, who were talking with their heads together, still giggling.
After the Order was eradicated, members of the Aridunn family emerged. I had a family, and all of them were thrilled to meet me. Many of them moved closer to us, finally able to be out of hiding, and regularly spent time with us.
The members of Jagger’s, Flint’s, and Lex’s family who didn’t like me came around, sort of. They might not have all liked me, but they all respected my position and my power.
But it didn’t matter. I had so much love around me already. With the girls being born, we created a new family line—the Unitas line. Now girls had the chance to be Royals as well.
“Be back later, girlies,” I said, kissing each of my daughters on the forehead before heading to the office that Lex, Jagger, Flint, and I shared.
My mates were already there, chatting. Every time I saw them was better than the last, somehow. They were the balm to whatever issue I was having, whether it was morning sickness or frustration at something going on in the kingdom or something else.
“Hey, Kitten,” Lex said.
He was closest, so I kissed him first. Then he kissed my bump. The others did the same, making me laugh.