Page 49 of Forsaken Royals
A cool breeze drifted across our bodies just as the sun went behind a cloud. She shivered and dug through the bag.
“Want to lie out here on the blanket?” Arden asked, holding up the fabric. “I want to get some sun.”
I helped her spread it out next to the umbrella, and we laid out right as the sun came back. Being inches away from her, but not touching, was torture. Both of us had our arms to our sides, our hands folded over our stomachs.
“Can we cuddle?” Arden asked. “That’s fine, isn’t it? That won’t trip the spell?”
“I’d love that. And it’s not sex or kissing, so we’re good.” I pulled her into my arms so quickly that she squeaked. “I miss this. And not just the sex. Just having you in my arms. You fit pretty damn well.”
Her long, lean body lined up perfectly along my side. She threw her leg over me for a moment before reconsidering, resting her head on my shoulder. I absently rubbed her upper arm.
“You’re surprisingly sweet, you know that?” She ran her finger between some freckles I had on my chest.
“Surprisingly?” I gasped in mock horror. “What, I don’t scream sunshine and rainbows?”
“Definitely not. When I first saw you three standing above my bed, I was scared shitless.” She laughed. “But…can I tell you something if you promise not to get mad?”
“Depends.” I squeezed her softly. “Actually, no, go ahead.”
“Again, I was terrified of all of you. But I found you appealingly boyish. For a moment. Before you proved you’re pretty ruthless under these curls.” She lifted her head to look at me, scanning my face. “Is that… Did I offend you?”
I paused, digesting her words. The worry on her face deepened until I burst out laughing so hard that I wheezed.
“Arden…you didn’t just describe me as ‘appealingly boyish,’” I choked out, my hand on my stomach. “I’m a Royal. I execute criminals regularly. I can turn into a gigantic dragon. And the first thing you thought was, ‘huh, that guy’s kind of cute.’”
She gently smacked me, a grin on her face. “You scared me for a second. I thought you were pissed.”
“I can’t be pissed at that because it’s so damn funny. You’re fucking adorable, and I love the way your brain works.” I sat up on my elbows. If I weren’t under the spell, I would have kissed her. And I wanted to kiss her so badly that it almost hurt.
Instead, I grabbed her and pulled her across my chest, burying my face in the crook of her neck. We stayed like that for a while, savoring the only touch we were allowed.
I was still falling in love with her, even without being able to touch her the way I wanted to. My heart felt the way it did when I was flying in my dragon form—free and weightless. I’d never felt so at ease with someone, even if we’d gotten an unconventional start. But being at ease with her didn’t mean it was boring. She brought light to my life in an unexpected way.
Arden’s anxious energy radiated off her in waves from the moment she opened the door to her room.
“You ready to head to the library?” I asked.
Our historian had gathered a collection of books on who her parents might be based on her mother’s last name. I’d asked her to search as broadly as possible, so we had a lot to get through.
“Not entirely, but if I waited to be ready, I’d never do it.” Arden stepped out and shut the door behind her. “I want to find out who my parents are, especially my mom, since she’s the only one I have any information about. But what if I find out, and it’s all bad? What if they were awful people?”
I squeezed her shoulder, putting my arm around her. “They might be, but there’s an equal chance that they’re good people. I’ll be there no matter what you find out.”
“Thank you. I really appreciate it.”
She smiled, her shoulders relaxing under my hand. The urge to kiss her was overwhelming, but I maintained my control. I didn’t regret casting the spell for us to keep our hands off of her, but I wished I’d gotten more time in bed with her before. More time one-on-one in general. This research “date” wasn’t what I’d had in mind, but it was enough for now.
We arrived at the central palace library. It was the largest of all the different wings of the palace, combining novels, records, and histories of Rouhaven and other fae territories, and not just our families or previous Royals from our bloodlines. The high, domed ceiling had stained glass in sections, filtering in golden light. Shelves of books went from floor to ceiling, going back several rows.
“Wow,” Arden gasped, looking up. “This place is gorgeous. I love it.”
“It’s one of my favorite places in the central palace.” I let my arm drop from around her shoulders.