Page 59 of Forsaken Royals
All the confidence drained out of her face, replaced with rage. She waved her hand, the glass barrier disappearing. She grabbed me by the shirt, yanking me to her, while Tommy grabbed my arms, wrenching them behind me.
“Fine, then. We’ll have to take your power by force,” she said, holding a hand inches from my forehead.
I kicked and squirmed, but Tommy held on tight. Like hell was I going to let her take what was mine.
I concentrated with every last fiber of energy I had, the floor shaking underneath us. Broken pieces of concrete swallowed up one of the Moon Oracle’s feet, as well as one of Tommy’s. Both of them gasped in shock, trying and failing to free themselves.
I bolted toward the door. I wasn’t sure where I was, but I was going to use every ounce of my magic to get back to my Royals.
Itried not to kill if unnecessary, but today, I was itching to kill anybody who got in my way. Anything to get Arden back.
I sat in the central palace office with my eyes closed, trying to focus on the tugging sensation in my heart. It was drowned out by the blast of emotions coursing through my veins. Being recently bonded, I was still overwhelmed by it all. My feelings mixed with Arden’s mixed with a whole host of other powerful emotions before Arden was taken.
Knowing the Forsaken Lunars had her made it difficult to focus on anything at all. The ache of missing her radiated through every nerve in my body to the point where I didn’t know where it was coming from.
“Fuck.” I opened my eyes. Flint and Lex were staring at me. “I can’t focus. I need a calming potion.”
“You don’t want me to use a spell?” Lex asked.
“No. I need something that will last longer.” I looked to one of our aides, who nodded and slipped out to go to the apothecary two doors down.
“You’re sure you can find her this way?” Flint demanded.
“Of course I can,” I snapped. “It’s just fucking overwhelming. All of the feelings. The idea of her getting hurt.”
Just talking about her possibly getting hurt filled me with dread beyond anything I’d ever felt before. And the idea of losing her? I couldn’t think about it. I’d never recover.
“You’ll be fine once you get the potion,” Lex assured me, resting his hands on the back of a chair.
The aide returned just in time with a shot-glass sized jar in his hands. I took it from him and knocked the potion back in one gulp. My body and mind relaxed as the potion worked its way through my system. It was just the right dose—enough to quiet the panic in my brain, but not so much that I was out of it.
I closed my eyes again and reached out for Arden. She had a signature in my brain, like a particular sound that signaled where she was or how she was feeling. I felt it faintly, then stronger the more I focused.
“She’s to the northeast of the palace grounds,” I said. “Toward the neighborhood where she works.”
Flint stood up, nearly knocking over his chair. “Let’s go, then.”
Our rides were waiting for us, so we piled in and took off. I guided the driver based on feeling. The longer we drove, the more intense I felt Arden’s presence. And her distress.
Lex was practically bouncing out of his skin, probably wanting to fly. If he knew where we were going, he probably would have been there already. And if I could fly as fast as he could in my demon form, I would have had Arden in my arms by now. But we were stuck inside this fucking car, and Arden was terrified somewhere.
“Drive faster,” I snarled to the enforcer who was driving. “She’s scared.”
The enforcer floored it, taking hairpin turns when I told him to. Finally, we stopped at a dead end with a large brick building blocking the end of the road.
“She has to be here. I feel her somewhere below us,” I said. “Come on.”
We got out of the car. No glamours, no cloaking spells. I wanted everyone in here to know exactly who they were dealing with. Cars filled with enforcers and soldiers pulled up behind us, waiting for our signal to follow.
Lex used a gust of wind to break the doors open. Just as I suspected, guards were ready for us. And I was ready for them. Crossing the doorway tripped their protection spells, making an alarm ring out through the entire building. I was ready to take on whoever they sent.
I punched the first guard I came across so hard that his neck snapped, then I slammed the next guard, who mistakenly thought he could take me through the wall. He crumpled to the floor. Did he live? I didn’t know, and I didn’t care. He was between me and my mate.
A seemingly endless barrage of guards poured toward us, and we took them out like they were bugs. It felt good to put my frustration straight into someone’s face. Lex and Flint were fighting almost as fiercely. Lex used wind to blow sconces off the walls, shooting the glass shards into the guards’ chests. Flint had fully shifted into his wolf form, tearing through their defenses with his fangs and claws.