Page 11 of Irreplaceable
She winced, and I wanted to pick her up and cradle her to my chest, but I had a feeling if I tried to carry her through the hotel, she’d throw a fit. And the last thing I wanted was attention.
I only hoped I could make it out of the hotel without being recognized. Without being asked for a picture or an autograph.
“Where’s your room?” I asked, gritting my teeth.
I ducked my head in an attempt to remain unseen. This was going to take ten times longer than if I just picked her up. But I knew what it was like to be injured, and I was trying to respect her dignity.
“Third floor. Room 304.”
I nodded, and we hobbled in the direction of the elevators, though I took most of her weight. It was an even farther walk than I’d expected, and every step only made me feel worse. Harper was having a difficult enough time getting to her room, even if I knew she was trying to hide it. I could see the way she babied her ankle and winced any time it hit the ground. And what was she going to do once she got to her room—just sit around when she’d had all these amazing things planned?
When we finally arrived, she plopped down on the bed. The hotel was nice, though not as luxurious as my vacation home. And I did have all those extra rooms going unused—five, in fact.
My impatience had caused her injury. And I’d ruined her plans.
And then I’d snapped at Kadek, when it wasn’t his fault. I’d since apologized for it, but I’d hated seeing the scared look in his eye.
For not the first time, I considered inviting Harper to stay with me. She’d have staff to help her. I could help her.
Was I insane? If Val knew I was even thinking about this, she’d kill me.
And yet, the idea was tempting. This woman was tempting. I didn’t know why I felt so responsible for Harper—aside from the obvious—but I did. She seemed like the type of woman Papà would’ve approved of.
“I’d walk you to the door, but…” She gestured to her ankle then shrugged.
I shook my head, running a hand over my chin. I couldn’t just leave her here. Not like this. It didn’t feel right. And frankly, I didn’t want to.
“Change of plans,” I said.
She furrowed her brow. “Huh?”
“You’re staying with me for the next week.”
She laughed so hard, she fell back on the bed, giving me an even better idea of what she’d look like naked. Sprawled out on my sheets. Writhing as I made her come with the name only she called me on her lips. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
She propped herself up on her elbows, her green eyes narrowed at me. “You can’t be serious.”
I nodded, though I continued to question my sanity. “I am.”
“Enzo,” she sighed, sitting up. “I can’t.”
“Why not?”
She shook her head. “Because I don’t know you.”
“Can you honestly tell me that you want to stay here—alone? Stuck in your hotel room for the next week?”
She lifted a shoulder. “I planned to get some crutches. It’ll be fine.”
It might be fine, but it was far from ideal. And for some reason, I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. Something kept pulling me back to Harper. Based on the way she was looking at me—the way she’d looked at me most of the evening—she felt it too.
I sank down on the bed next to her. She seemed surprised but didn’t protest.
Maybe all the massages and sea air were going to my head. Maybe it was the extended vacation or the freedom from the paparazzi. I had no idea, but I’d never felt so relaxed. So free to be myself. It was easy to forget who I was back home, forget the pain, and just allow myself to be me.
“My hotel is already paid for,” she said.
I lifted my shoulder. “So?”