Page 110 of Irreplaceable
“What it looks like,” I finished for him. I’d heard that before. I’d just never expected to hear that line from Enzo.
Before I could stop myself, I said, “You know what? It doesn’t matter. None of it matters,” I sighed, resignation blanketing me along with sadness. “After Aiden’s born, I’m moving home. To the Alondra Valley as I’d planned originally.” This had merely confirmed what I already knew. “You were right about the stress. It’s too much, and I need—” My breath was shaky. “I need to get away.”
“You mean run away.”
I gnashed my teeth. “I’m not running away. As much as I love—loved—LA, it’s time for a change.”
“And what about us?” His voice was rising. “What about my relationship with Aiden? He’s my son too.”
I lifted a shoulder, though his words struck at my heart. “We’ll have to figure that out.”
“Please—” Enzo’s voice cracked, and I glanced toward the ceiling. “I know you’re upset, but don’t do this.”
“I have to protect Aiden.”
“From me?” Pain radiated from his every word.
“From this life. The scrutiny. The insanity of it. I don’t want this for him.”
I’d had enough of the paparazzi. Enough of the drama. Enough of everything. I just wanted to go home. Maybe I was running, but could he really blame me?
The line was silent a moment before he said, “Please, Harper. I’ll do anything to fix this. Ask anything of me—it’s yours.”
“Let us go.”
His breathing was heavy, his voice choked with emotion. “Anything but that.” He swallowed. “He’s my son. I haven’t even met him, and I love him.”
“Then think of what’s best for him.”
“The two of us—together. That’s what’s best for him,” he said. “Per favore,uccellina. Sei irrinunciabile.”
“Irreplaceable?” I laughed, but the sound was mirthless.
I didn’t feel irreplaceable. I felt breakable.
“Ti amo. Ti do il mio cuore.” I closed my eyes when he spoke, trying not to let his spell penetrate me. “Sei la mia vita.”
I love you.
I give you my heart.
You’re my life.
He said something else, but the words sounded garbled. Almost…far away. I stared ahead, feeling as if I were floating out of my body. Watching from above.
My last thought was for Aiden, and then there was nothing.