Page 33 of Irreplaceable
Iwas lounging in the pool when Koming and another woman appeared, both holding a large tray of food. Enzo had been gone before I woke, and I vaguely remembered him kissing my temple before leaving. It felt more like a dream than real life. Every day spent with him did.
I knew this wasn’t reality, but damn, it was nice. I couldn’t have asked for a better vacation fling. Everything about it was extravagant, from the home to the man, and I told myself to enjoy it while it lasted. Which wouldn’t be much longer.
Today was our last full day together, and I wasn’t looking forward to the end. The goodbye. The batik class had given me a preview of what it would be like, and I still didn’t know how I was going to do it. Walk away, knowing I’d never see him again.
He hadn’t hinted at exchanging phone numbers. Emails. Nothing. Not even yesterday when he’d mentioned the fact that he was dreading returning home.
Koming and the other girl set the tray on the water at the other end of the pool and pushed it toward me. As my breakfast floated out to me, Koming said, “From Mr. Bianchi.” She grinned, clearly delighted by my reaction.
My phone rang just as I caught one end of the tray, and I grabbed my phone from the side of the pool. Lauren, Alexis, and Juliana came into view.
“Where the fuck are you, and why wasn’t I invited?” Lauren asked.
I laughed, shading my eyes from the sun. “Check this out.” I turned the camera around, giving them a 360-degree view. The ocean. The house. The pool. The floating breakfast.
“Holy shit,” Alexis said. “That house! I want a tour.”
I laughed as I returned the camera to me.
Juliana frowned. “I thought you were staying at a resort. That looks more like a vacation rental.” She paused. “Wait…does that belong to the guy you met?”
“What guy?” Lauren and Alexis asked at the same time. “There’s a guy?”
“Actually…” I leaned closer, eager to share. I rarely got to gush about my sex life, at least not in the past year or so, and I couldn’t wait to shock them. “It’s been amazing. I—” I glanced around and lowered my voice “—I’m having the best vacation fling ever.”
“I need details,” Lauren said. “Is he a local?”
I shook my head. “No. An Italian.”
“Oh god,” she moaned, and I nodded emphatically. “Italians are so passionate. Does he speak to you in Italian?”
I bit back a grin and nodded. Just thinking of Enzo’s accent wrapping around me, his unruly hair between my legs as he pleasured me, had my thighs clenching. I wanted to close my eyes and replay the images until I was certain they were cemented in my mind—the scent of the ocean perfuming the air, his warm skin on mine. The quiet of the seaside villa. I wasn’t sure I’d ever been happier or more at peace.
“God, I bet that’s hella sexy,” Lauren said, fanning herself. “I love when Hunter speaks in French.”
“What’s he like?” Alexis asked me.
“He’s…” I swallowed, trying to determine how to describe Enzo.
“What she means is how’s the sex,” Juliana teased. “Don’t hold out on us.”
I glanced toward the house, some of my hair falling into my face. “It’s… He’s…” I was tongue-tied even just trying to describe it. I’d never been with someone like Enzo. Everyone else paled in comparison. He was intense and passionate, rough at times, yet gentle when he wanted to be.
“Uh-oh. She’s got that dreamy dick look in her eyes,” Lauren teased.
“Dreamy dick?” I rolled said eyes. “I do not.”
“What’s his name?”
“Enzo,” I sighed. Just thinking about him brought a smile to my face.
We talked a while longer, and then I went upstairs to get ready for the day. Enzo was supposed to return around lunch, and I was looking forward to visiting some of the temples.
“You ready?” Enzo asked when I met him downstairs. He pulled me into him, his kiss a claiming. “You sure we shouldn’t stay here?” he murmured against my lips.
Tempting as the idea was, I wanted to experience the temples. And this was our last day together in Bali.